Author Topic: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?  (Read 6274 times)

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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2020, 12:09:01 PM »
I was an HOer that switched to N when I became an apartment dweller for a few years. I still have some HO gear that loops the Christmas tree each year.

I have been tempted simply because of the availability of models/parts that I’m interested in. It would be much easier to amass a WM steam fleet in HO than N. That said, I do enjoy the challenge of designing, 3D printing, and scratch building in N. My J-1 Potomac’s took 4 years to complete, but it was very rewarding once completed.

One of the things that has captivated my attention as a modeler in recent years is the balance of scenery to trains. This in the end, to my eye, is the thing that really conveys a sense of realism. This can be achieved in larger scales, but the amount of real estate it takes become prohibitive very quickly.

Another thing to consider is that N is kinda the sweet spot for 3D printing at the moment. The resolution and size of the print beds offered at the moment are near perfect for 1:160. I’m sure that will change in the near future, but at the moment it makes for a lot of fun!


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2020, 01:29:36 PM »
I think scale selection has everything to do with the balance between General Effect and High Detail with the smaller scales advantaged at the General Effect end and the larger scales advantaged at the High Detail end. HO is kind of in the middle of the range which accounts for its popularity.


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Re: Have wny of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2020, 01:59:25 PM »
I just don't understand why anyone takes the position that my scale is better than your scale.  For goodness sakes, they're all trains, and I like trains.  Who cares what size it is?


I agree completely. I grew up working in a hobby shop in high school and thoroughly enjoyed discussing the merits of each scale.  I have several theories on why it may be this way but I think it most likely comes from some aspect of the different scale challenging you comfort zone.  For example.  NScale is too small for their modeling skills, or O gauge is to expensive for what they want to model. I like to enjoy each for what makes it unique.

Way of the Zephyr


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Re: Have wny of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2020, 02:01:57 PM »
Truth there too.  When I was one of the few N scale guys on the Model Railroader forum, I'd see those comments all the time from HO guys dismissing other scales.  Much of it is just ignorance.  A lot of those HO guys were around when N scale first came along.  Now let's be clear...HO was pretty primitive at that time too...but N scale really didn't get a lot of serious treatment probably until MR built the Clinchfield.  By then, though, a lot of those guys had already made up their minds.  And they influenced newer modelers with those opinions too.

I'll say this...  If I'd only ever stuck with HO I'd probably never have found my way to the Railwire.  I would probably never have had the huge modeling boost I've had from this place...and it's through you guys that I was encouraged to finally publish.  Between Great Model Railroads, N Scale Magazine, the N Trak steam books, and HOn3 Annual, I've been able to share my love of this hobby in two scales across the country and the world.  I bet none of that would have happened if I hadn't taken the plunge into N back in 2002.  And between the two scales I've worked with the most I've learned scenery and modeling techniques from one scale that work really well in the other.

I believe just as we become better communicators and more appreciative of world diversity by learning another language, or better musicians by learning multiple instruments, or better athletes by playing more than one sport, we become better modelers when we dabble across scales.  This isn't to say that there aren't some absolute champions who can do it all in just one scale...but for us mere mortals, diversifying scale does help us achieve a higher level of model skill.

This is why I liked this forum so much in the beginning and now.  The predominance of N scale but an appreciation for all quality modeling.

Way of the Zephyr


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Re: Have wny of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2020, 02:05:28 PM »
Funny thing is I think the attitude you express is much more common to those who model any scale other than HO.  I by far have heard exponentially more disparaging comments from HO modelers regarding other gauges than all the other combinations combined. So I think the spirit of the dark side comment is the fear of being lumped in with “those” HO modelers.

It's one thing I hear a lot during my LHS yearly open house events.  "Let's go here, it's ___ scale.  Let's not go here, it's __ scale"  Only good thing about this year being cancelled, I don't have to hear it.


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #35 on: August 01, 2020, 04:34:20 PM »
I went from N to HO about 8 years ago, then went back to N 3 years ago.  We moved houses and I was really envious of all the BLI Pennsy steam.  Then, after we moved, I realized that there simply was not enough room for a nice HO layout in the space available.  So I went back to N and am glad I did.

Someday when I am much older and retired, I have thought of moving to S scale or 2 rail O scale.  Maybe when I have more room available.  But I would never sell my scratch N scale locos.


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2020, 04:50:45 PM »

1)  Don't have room for even 18" radius in the current train room.
2)  Like long trains, 85' cars, multiple-unit trains.
3)  Enjoy the challenge of 'not everything you want comes in a box'.
4)  Just got eyes fixed and I think I'm good until I get boxed and shipped.
5)  If I have to move I have a big start in T-trak now.
6)  Not a rivet counter
7)  Don't particularly lather up over sound and DCC.

I was in HO for years, and lost the space I had, N scale kept me in the hobby.  That really hasn't changed.


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2020, 05:04:30 PM »
Guys talking about unloading their old N scale stuff to switch scales, and I'm over here like...

Rockin' It Old School

Lee Weldon


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2020, 05:10:56 PM »
My initial interest started in HO Scale, but I never had the focus that N Scale had allowed me to maintain.  When I returned to this hobby 13 years ago, I decided to try out N Scale, and I’m glad that I did because it gave me the room to accomplish a sense of purpose on the layout while raising a family at the same time.  I think people should choose the scale that will maintain many years of enjoyment for them with this hobby. 


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2020, 06:13:03 PM »
I belong to a club that has N, HO, and O (3 rail) as modeling scales. This club is what got me into N Scale; HO and O are more recent editions. Since we do shows (well, will do shows eventually) and sometimes only bring one scale, and some guys only have one scale, I, who cares about having trains running at all times, has at least some of each of those scales, plus Z and G.
My take on it is there are right scales for everyone. Some only want to model one scale, and that makes sense, some want to model multiple scales, and some want to model every scale; I, as a child, wanted every scale just to have some. Glad I did, as I now know that N is my "home" scale.


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #40 on: August 01, 2020, 06:51:43 PM »
Guys talking about unloading their old N scale stuff to switch scales, and I'm over here like...



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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #41 on: August 01, 2020, 07:43:26 PM »
To answer the question no. I'm an apartment dweller and N scale allows me to do more in the limited space I have. I do get my HO fix taken care of by visiting a friends HO layout for the occasion operating session. I even get to be around some 1/8 scale live steam from time to time. In the end just go with what you think you will enjoy. That's what matters.


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #42 on: August 01, 2020, 08:45:16 PM »
This thread is timely to me, because I am kind of at an impasse right now. I started with HO in the 70's.

In the 80's living in an apartment, I just had no room for an HO layout, and the HO equipment
was in storage. I started buying N scale equipment. When all my HO stuff was basically wrecked
when the basement where it was being stored was flooded, that made the decision to switch

I had been inactive until about 5 years ago, now I live in a 2nd floor condo so space is still an issue.
I started a fairly small N scale layout, after several iterations I was finally happy with both the trackplan
and track work.

However, my eyesight and manual dexterity aren't what they were 30 years ago. Vision can be compensated
for with reading glasses or an optivisor, but handling small parts became increasingly frustrating. It
finally reached the point where the frustration overwhelmed enjoyment of the hobby. It was working with
N scale couplers and trucks which caused me to finally decide to go back to HO. So I ripped
up the track, put the benchtop in the closet, and sold or got rid of most of the N scale equipment. I started
buying HO with the plan of building a switching layout, as that was all I had space for in HO.

I built the benchwork and laid the track last year, I was very pleased with the results. Then I discovered something...
when you finish switching, it's nice to have the train go somewhere, even if just orbiting roundy-round.

I considered making the HO layout continuous running, but given the space I have it would require a minimum
radius of 17" to fit, which would be too limiting.

So now that is in the closet too. I have been slowly rebuilding my N scale collection, but I keep hesitating to
start rebuilding the N scale layout, because a little voice in my head tells me the definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

Sorry for the long post.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 08:59:38 PM by EJN »


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2020, 12:48:35 AM »
Well the trip to our local shop here in Addison, Texas was as always entertaining and informative. I took a hard look at the track for HO, the locos, the cars, and the buildings.

All of it was awesome except when I was looking at it and picturing it in my space, just as some others have said, it ain’t gonna work. I know ai can make HO work in the space I have, but compared to what I have got going on in N scale, there’s so much more I can do with the smaller scale.

So, I’m going to look for some good HO locos and some cars and give that HO club a call. Will probably build a module so I can run with them and will continue to enjoy my NScale along with it. I think thats the option that’ll get it done and scratch the itch for both. Might even build that TTrak module since the club does both.

You’re all right....the best choice is the one (or two, or three, or even four) that keeps you running trains and smiling. Thanks for all the input and encouragement.


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Re: Have any of you thought about going to the dark side?
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2020, 01:39:59 AM »
Guys talking about unloading their old N scale stuff to switch scales, and I'm over here like...

Lol.  Rather pitch than catch but that kids role in that movie was money!

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