Author Topic: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.  (Read 4526 times)

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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2020, 02:12:34 AM »
I don't know.  Having been in N scale since my first train set, and living a in a non-drinking family, I just remember the ads.
N Kalanaga
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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2020, 08:27:20 AM »
Anybody else remember the Walthers O "scale" "beer can tankcar" kit from the late 60s and 70s?  You had to supply the can!

I remember them well. Milwaukee Trainfest in I think 1978 was full of them, I want to say they were S scale, I vaguely recall them on the Badgerland S scale layout.
 The same year Walthers introduced new traction kits and had a wonderful traction layout operating.

Atlas also has announced beer reefers , I am very curious if any or all of them are foobs?

I have 192 URT cars and at least the URT cars appear to fit into the car numbers.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 09:06:01 AM by sd45elect2000 »


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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2020, 11:37:29 AM »

Atlas also has announced beer reefers , I am very curious if any or all of them are foobs?

I think only the Blatz is based on a prototype.



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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2020, 12:12:33 PM »
Anybody else remember the Walthers O "scale" "beer can tankcar" kit from the late 60s and 70s?  You had to supply the can!

Yes I remember the kit where you supply the can although I never owned one. That model always amazed me although most of the gimic cars do not interest me.

Bruce Stikkers
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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2020, 12:23:49 PM »
B&OH  :lol:

Olympia once had a reputation what with the "artesian water" and all. I understand that the brewery was acquired long ago and is now brewed under the umbrella of some mega brewery, but can anyone tell me:
  • Was it ever good beer?

Years ago I liked Rolling Rock, but they were acquired and the new owners smashed the glass lined tanks in Latrobe PA ( :trollface:) and moved the brewing to some mega brew factory in NJ - it's never been the same.  :facepalm:


Two sea stories

In 1974-75 I was at Naval Air Station Lakehurst -- being poorly paid and me having the only car -- several of my compadres wanted to go over to Atlantic City.  We piled 6 people into my 1970 Blue Dodge Dart -- and headed east ..  We also had 3 cases of Rolling Rock in the cooler .. which was being consumed in copious amounts.  If you've been to Atlantic City in the 1970s, there really wasn't much there other than the big elephant and the beach ..  I recall that none of the street lights were timed, so as we were cruising down the boulevard, stopping at each light, the doors to my car would open up, and a small collection of bottles would be deposited on each side of the car.  At one of the stops, a town cop pulled up behind us, and spotted the bottles. He flipped on the lights, and after determining that I was the only sober person sailor in the car, let us go, provided we went back and picked up all the empty bottles.

1976, while stationed on Diego Garcia, we had a quarterly supply ship that would bring fresh provisions . including beer .. Pabst, Bud, and Oly ($3 per case) .. the Oly was the only beer that didnt' have extra preservatives .. it was the beer of choice, except for the San Miguel which we flew in on Navy P3's from Subic Bay and sold for $5 per case ..



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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2020, 12:42:28 PM »
Atlas also has announced beer reefers , I am very curious if any or all of them are foobs?
I think only the Blatz is based on a prototype.

From the Jan/Feb issue of Model Railroading, the same image appears in the Hendrickson/Kaminski book.
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I couldn't find any images of any of the others and agree with Jason that they are likely fantasy.

Also just to add a footnote for those that care, these cars would only be prototypical to 1937 when "Billboard" cars were outlawed.
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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2020, 12:49:26 PM »
Two sea stories

In 1974-75 I was at Naval Air Station Lakehurst -- being poorly paid and me having the only car -- several of my compadres wanted to go over to Atlantic City.  We piled 6 people into my 1970 Blue Dodge Dart -- and headed east ..  We also had 3 cases of Rolling Rock in the cooler .. which was being consumed in copious amounts.  If you've been to Atlantic City in the 1970s, there really wasn't much there other than the big elephant and the beach ..  I recall that none of the street lights were timed, so as we were cruising down the boulevard, stopping at each light, the doors to my car would open up, and a small collection of bottles would be deposited on each side of the car.  At one of the stops, a town cop pulled up behind us, and spotted the bottles. He flipped on the lights, and after determining that I was the only sober person sailor in the car, let us go, provided we went back and picked up all the empty bottles.

1976, while stationed on Diego Garcia, we had a quarterly supply ship that would bring fresh provisions . including beer .. Pabst, Bud, and Oly ($3 per case) .. the Oly was the only beer that didnt' have extra preservatives .. it was the beer of choice, except for the San Miguel which we flew in on Navy P3's from Subic Bay and sold for $5 per case ..

Good times ...  :D  Diego Garcia, talk about being stationed in a remote place!  8)


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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2020, 01:04:04 PM »
For Christmas, they could have an "Old Frothingslosh" car.  Car should be green.  I don't know if they could make the suds stay on the bottom, but I bet they could make it glow in the dark.


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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2020, 02:43:31 PM »
I think only the Blatz is based on a prototype.

From the Jan/Feb issue of Model Railroading, the same image appears in the Hendrickson/Kaminski book.
(Attachment Link)

I couldn't find any images of any of the others and agree with Jason that they are likely fantasy.

Also just to add a footnote for those that care, these cars would only be prototypical to 1937 when "Billboard" cars were outlawed.
The labels of the National Bohemian and Lucky Lager date them from the 1950's. Lucky Lager brand didn't exist during the billboard reefer period. Lucky Lager brewery was a startup in 1946? for the booming California population. "It's Lucky when you live out west!"
I've looked in several beer reference books and couldn't find prototypical examples of the other billboard cars.
With all the available prototype paint schemes available, I hope Atlas future releases will include more cars based on prototypical cars. The "lone prototype" Blatz car and the beer trucks are the only things that I'm interested in.

Scot Mason


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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2020, 08:54:26 AM »
Ah well....they finally do an Old Style car (one of the insulated boxcars) and they stamp "DF" on the door and date it "-60"..... if they had just left the door alone and dated it 1955, I'd be really tempted.
Tom D.

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Philip H

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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2020, 11:12:42 AM »
I preoredered a couple of them just cause.

I really hope they do some foobie billboard beer cars on the BLMA tooling . . . The greatest loss of the ICC era was the decision to can off advertising on reefers.
Philip H.
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Baton Rouge Southern RR - Mount Rainier Division.


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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2020, 09:34:05 PM »
Drinking a beer, so here's an update:

As a result of a licensing limitation, we can no longer offer the tractor cabs painted in beer schemes. In lieu of the announced tractor cabs, we are offering tractor cabs painted to match the beer brands along with separate sale decals featuring the beer brand logos.


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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2020, 09:45:47 PM »
Drinking a beer, so here's an update:

As a result of a licensing limitation, we can no longer offer the tractor cabs painted in beer schemes. In lieu of the announced tractor cabs, we are offering tractor cabs painted to match the beer brands along with separate sale decals featuring the beer brand logos.
For a lot of us, the beer company decals may be more popular than the trucks they are intended for.  I model an earlier era, but am willing to bet the PBR and Old Style logos didn't change much.
Tom D.

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Re: Atlas 'Beer' Catalog.
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2020, 10:35:30 PM »
Would be handy to stick on the side of bars and signs.