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Yay more L&N hoppers! Glad to see the Transition Era Southern cabs finally got a ETA as I’m really looking forward to them. Hopefully the next round of Rebuilt War Emergency Hoppers will feature Southern’s black Railroad Roman scheme to go along with the Transition Era cabs.
Cool on the NKP. These were classed H17 on N&W - probably none were repainted.On the N&W roster:1965: 301966: 81967: 61968: 31970: 21971: 21972: 0
According to the NKP Historical Society, one of the NKP cars was repainted to N&W after the merger (N&W 231465) and it was one of the cars scrapped in 1972. Sadly, there are no known photos of it in N&W paint.CraigBluford Shops
Anyway, full set of NKP hoppers ordered! I note that there are three missing part numbers in the sequence - saving room for a second 3-car run?
We'll get to that scheme at some point but since we are already working on 3-bay offset side hoppers in Southern Roman Black, I thought we should go with a difference era for this one. The 3-bays can be seen here: http://bluford-shops.com/bluford_93_041.htmCraigBluford Shops