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Max -I measured with my digital caliper between the slots, 6.98 mm is really tight with calipers, 7mm is perfect fit. I am going with 7mm here.
Eureka! I did it! The mechanism works perfectly now. I figured out one of the problems was that I was using a driver from the first run of the Mikado as my fifth driver. I replaced it with a driver from the second run and it came out great!Now I am going to prepare a second mechanism using the same technique I used for the first one. I am going to make two PRR I1s.Pictures to follow soon!
I still have three to finish one day.I used the valve gear from the Gs4 and it really helped our the looks !I just could not stand the looks of the stock valve gear. Your conversion is really looking good!Allen Eck...
Just out of curiosity, does the GS-4 valve gear work on the Mikado without modification? Or do you have to shorten or lengthen the valve gear?
Mike it does take a little modifcation the pistons them selves pop right on but there if center pin that needs to be cut off then I drill and repin the new valve gear.I went as far as to change out the eccentric as well. The one on the mikado is very anemic compared to the Gs4 . But doing this swap is a bit tricky but is really worth it.Allen....