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@C855B Will your RPi have enough horsepower to run the web server for multiple panels and the Wii throttle server at once?
The 2.4GHz WiFi has multiple channels (16?), with each channel capable of supporting multiple connections. I assume that multiple channels can operate simultaneously.Friend of mine was planning of creating a similar setup. He mentioned that the JMRI remote panels are network and performance hogs because the panels are bitmaps and ever refresh redraws the entire panel.
Peteski, there are tons of apps that you can download on to your phone that will scan the airwaves and tell you not only the WiFi network but what channel is being used. I used WiFi Analyzer on my phone but I'm sure most, if not all, give you channel numbers. Some of the better routers will switch channels base on channel traffic as what you see now may be different later.
@peteski , I used this one https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wifi_information_view.html . Had a real slow wifi for a while till I went to a wired connection .
Peteski, It looks like you might do better on channel 6 so you don't compete at all with that 43% on channel 1. But, if it aint broke ...
It is broke. Never mind what it looks like, it is broken. Move it to 6, the person on 1 will appreciate it.All those 11 may not matter, depends on the signal strength in their specific location not what peteski is seeing.Apartment/condos are the worst.