I've tried searching for the recommendations on improving the electrical aspects of the older (non-DCC ready) Micro Engineering turnouts, but I haven't had any luck finding much in the way of a suggested set of steps. I have a few of these older turnouts that I wouldn't mind using on my little switching layout, so it would be nice to make whatever improvements to them that I can. Namely, I think the biggest shortcoming seems to be in the lack of isolation at the throwbar. The only thing I can think to do is remove it and replace with a piece of PC board tie. Is this what others have done?
I have wired the frog into a slide switch, which basically creates one long electrically switched piece of rail, from the points through the frog to the exit rails. Without isolating the point rails, I'm worried that somehow an engine could short out when passing through the points, although I realize the chance of this happening is probably low.