Author Topic: Atlas turnouts (not) getting scarce again  (Read 7490 times)

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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2019, 12:48:33 AM »
But it likely means "European companies which have their track components manufactured in China".
If that was the intended meaning, then there should have been a qualifier between "and" and "European".


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2019, 01:12:34 AM »
I agree with the "hand lay" them comment.  It's actually not "hand lay" per se.  You build the turnouts at the bench. ...

And they are so much better, it isn't funny.

Very true, plus you can build them in any size and configuration that you wish, at no additional cost.

It also opens up the wonderful world of Code 40 rail, which is much more realistic than the Code 55.



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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2019, 06:43:07 AM »
Another case where if way back ME had only started making N turnouts in more than just #6, they would be there when another snafu dries up the Atlas switch availability. Either an #8 or #10, or even a #4 added to their lone N switch type. This is twice the Atlas stuff has gone missing in 10 years. Hard to believe that people wanting to build layouts NOW wouldn't be buying ME now instead of an unknown wait for Atlas.
Nothing against Atlas, just saying ME had some real opportunities in this regard.


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2019, 06:59:36 AM »
ME turnouts have some issues of their own. Plus, ME doesn't have the financial resources to make additional size turnouts, so there's no point in pining over what won't happen. As for handlaying turnouts, that's all well and good, but some modelers don't have the skills to do so and aren't inclined to learn them, or they're simply physically unable, so there's no point in harping on the matter yet again. We've beaten this horse long past its expiry date. Atlas, I'm sure, is addressing the matter as best they can.


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2019, 07:47:27 AM »
Maybe a good time for @Atlas Paul to chime in to all of this conjecture.


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2019, 08:45:20 AM »
As for handlaying turnouts, that's all well and good, but some modelers don't have the skills to do so and aren't inclined to learn them,

Sounds like another good time for someone to bring to market hand laid turnouts. Honestly if I didn't have that day job, I'd find a way to crank out a bunch, albeit small volume and most likely premium price over the off the shelf stuff.


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2019, 08:53:37 AM »
As for handlaying turnouts, that's all well and good, but some modelers don't have the skills to do so and aren't inclined to learn them, or they're simply physically unable, so there's no point in harping on the matter yet again. We've beaten this horse long past its expiry date.

Not to harp, just pointing out that the unwilling/unable modeler is inevitably going to be subject to the whims of such manufacturers, as they see fit to pursue more profitable lines of business.

Atlas, I'm sure, is addressing the matter as best they can.

Yes, tho there may be little that they actually can do.  I suppose their options are (a) switch to another supplier (if they can find one); (b) set up their own manufacturing (v. costly); or (c) wait it out.

One thing I would not expect from Atlas (or retailers, distributors, or anyone else FTM) is for them to increase their order and/or inventory sizes in anticipation of shortages.



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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2019, 09:03:36 AM »
0 they see fit to pursue more profitable lines of business.

Unlikely in Atlas' case, since their track is so popular.

One thing I would not expect from Atlas (or retailers, distributors, or anyone else FTM) is for them to increase their order and/or inventory sizes in anticipation of shortages.

Which would be risky, especially in this era of JIT manufacturing. It requires a large capital outlay that would reduce their ability to invest in other things, like new products. Plus, I would imagine Atlas did not see this coming.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 09:06:43 AM by David K. Smith »


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2019, 09:07:51 AM »
Sounds like another good time for someone to bring to market hand laid turnouts. Honestly if I didn't have that day job, I'd find a way to crank out a bunch, albeit small volume and most likely premium price over the off the shelf stuff.

I think you would have to crank them out at a pretty quick pace in order to make it worth your while.   But even if you offer a superior product, most modelers will not want to pay a premium for it, esp. when competing against a commodity product.



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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2019, 09:09:13 AM »
Unlikely in Atlas' case, since their track is so popular.

Sorry, I misspoke -- I was referring to the supplier that Atlas depends on.



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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2019, 09:33:26 AM »
ME turnouts have some issues of their own. Plus, ME doesn't have the financial resources to make additional size turnouts, so there's no point in pining over what won't happen. As for handlaying turnouts, that's all well and good, but some modelers don't have the skills to do so and aren't inclined to learn them, or they're simply physically unable, so there's no point in harping on the matter yet again. We've beaten this horse long past its expiry date. Atlas, I'm sure, is addressing the matter as best they can.

Just curious.  Exactly what "issues" do ME turnouts have??   I don't use RTR turnouts of any sort, but I recommend ME turnouts to those who do.  Should I be aware of "issues" with them??  Long ago, I put two of them on my Echo Junction section leading to the sand house track with dead frogs as a test, and have never had a problem with them (with Tortoises underneath).  Hmmmm...that's been 20+ years ago now...and not a single prob.

Bob Gilmore


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2019, 09:49:39 AM »
Just curious.  Exactly what "issues" do ME turnouts have??   I don't use RTR turnouts of any sort, but I recommend ME turnouts to those who do.  Should I be aware of "issues" with them??  Long ago, I put two of them on my Echo Junction section leading to the sand house track with dead frogs as a test, and have never had a problem with them (with Tortoises underneath).  Hmmmm...that's been 20+ years ago now...and not a single prob.

I have a bunch, and on more than a couple the points broke free from the throwbar (with no undue stress), and resoldering them is not trivial.


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2019, 10:17:15 AM »
I have a bunch, and on more than a couple the points broke free from the throwbar (with no undue stress), and resoldering them is not trivial.

Thanks DKS for that information.  It's the first time I've heard of problems other than the "high frog" problem of the 1st gen ME #6's.

Which adds to my contention that rolling your own turnouts is the way to get the best turnouts.

...Plus, ME doesn't have the financial resources to make additional size turnouts, so there's no point in pining over what won't happen. As for handlaying turnouts, that's all well and good, but some modelers don't have the skills to do so and aren't inclined to learn them, or they're simply physically unable, so there's no point in harping on the matter yet again. We've beaten this horse long past its expiry date. Atlas, I'm sure, is addressing the matter as best they can.

Since there's nothing we can do about the Atlas/Chinese track availability problems, then we shouldn't be pining about that either...or should I say "whining"??

If the membership here were static, then there would be no point in beating this horse, but...perhaps there are those who would finally get a burr under their saddle to learn the skills, use the tools and benefit from making their own turnouts.  Can't do much about those who don't have the physical abilities, but for every model building subject, there are those who don't have the physical abilities to do them, such as painting, wiring, learning DCC, operating, decaling, kitbashing, laying flex track and many more things that comprise this hobby.  If we just shut up because there are some out there who can't, or won't do something we're advising, then this forum would be silent.

Even if Atlas and other suppliers don't have problems with their Chinese manufacturers, I have always highly recommended learning how to make your own turnouts because it's cheaper, more versatile, they're more reliable, better looking, much easier to repair in place, there's never an unavailability problem and they run smoother.  The only drawback is that they take longer to make than opening up Mr. Wallet and buying them...and really...making them is NOT rocket science...especially with Fast Tracks jigs, fixtures, tools and instructions.

I agree totally with Ed, @ednadolski , John, @jdcolombo  and @mighalpern  about rolling your own turnouts.  What we are saying is a far cry from "harping".  It's good advice, especially if you don't want to be hog-tied by international labor problems, or what manufacturers think is good for you.

Bob Gilmore


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2019, 10:18:47 AM »
Just curious.  Exactly what "issues" do ME turnouts have??     Hmmmm...that's been 20+ years ago now...and not a single prob.

Bob Gilmore

 I have 30 or so on my layout that were the old non DCC ready that I've reworked to make them DCC compatible. I cut the rails just before the frog (between the points and frog) and add a PC board tie for the throwbar. Then add insinuated railjoiners on each leg of the frog when installing them on the layout.   

My Feather River Canyon in N-scale


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Re: Atlas turnouts getting scarce again
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2019, 10:22:25 AM »
What we are saying is a far cry from "harping".  It's good advice, especially if you don't want to be hog-tied by international labor problems, or what manufacturers think is good for you.

It wouldn't be "harping" if it didn't crop up almost every bloody time someone mentions prefab turnouts... ;)