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I have used both ME and Atlas flex. I much much prefer the Atlas Code 55 due to its flexibility and ease of use to install. Am also using Atlas Code55 turnouts in staging and have built my own FastTracks turnouts. Have built 94 turnouts so far (8 to go) and have it well and truly down pat. I have used both ME and Atlas Code55 track to build the turnouts. I think the ME rail is softer but both are easy to work with and both fix the jigs.
Note that Atlas code 55 models 8.5-foot-long ties, and ME code 55 models 9-foot-long ties. On my prototype, the former is typical of the 1950s and earlier, and the latter of the more modern era. Also, the tie spacing differs, with Atlas being close to my prototype's 24 ties per 39 feet of mainline rail (Atlas has about 24 ties, and ME has about 22 ties per scale 39 feet of rail). MH
Just out of curiosity, where do you buy just Atlas rail for the fast track jigs?