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Speaking of which, the eBay listing that started this thread is no longer available so we can't see what you guys were talking about.
Is Lowell Smith really planning on doing all of the cars required for a complete NCL and EB - including dome and observation cars - as part of the initial releases?Or, is he simply going to offer the existing cars (for which he now has the tooling from Walthers) in the NCL and EB paint schemes - whether or not the cars are prototypically correct for those trains?
He plans on doing new tooling as time goes on. As for the initial releases, they will be in single or 2 car packs. Not an entire train in a box like Kato does. As for the cars, some will be prototypical accurate cars, others will be stand ins. See here on how he plans on it, https://lowellsmith.net/railsmith-plans-revealed/
He plans on doing new tooling as time goes on. As for the initial releases, they will be in single or 2 car packs. Not an entire train in a box like Kato does.
If others like this approach, then it's great for them. Personally, I'll stick with the entire, fully prototypical "train in a box" from Kato. Nothing against this guy (or any other manufacturer who perceives a market and trys to profit from it), but I just have no interest in trying to piece together a passenger train over who knows how many years from cars that may or may not match each other. I wish more modelers demanded full prototypical trains, released all at once, so that we didn't have the noise in the market from all these single car releases.
I also like the entire set in a box all at once approach. I do have quite a few of Lowell Smith’s NP cars in both schemes as a fun secondary train. Fills the gap now until Kato steps up.
One drawback to this is that you have short trains. In the heyday of American passenger trains, 20+ car trains were not that uncommon. Boxed sets that large would be very expensive. Building a train over time is easier to afford.
That's different from what your earlier post stated.
Also speaking to Lowell Smith, his new line RailSmith is planning on doing both of those trains are part of their initial releases.
No where in my initial post did I say how the trains were going to be released.