Author Topic: Atlas S2 - Problem with sound - degraded sound then no sound.  (Read 2245 times)

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Re: Atlas S2 - Problem with sound - degraded sound then no sound.
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2018, 10:48:03 PM »
Quick update.
Received a reply from Atlas and they kindly offered to just send me a replacement speaker / decoder.
I figured I would try to replace the speaker with the one I have.
I found that the 16mm x 9mm speaker will fit into the cab enclosure that holds the Atlas speaker.. So I just placed the speaker in the plastic box and soldered wires to the speaker and decoder.

I found that the cab enclosure will close down on the speaker and this also enables the cab and body to be reinstalled with out any modification. Everything clicks back into place with out any issues.

I have now tested the loco and the sound now functions as it did before.
it is a little hard to tell if the sound is "better" as I only have 1 Atlas S2. I will have to wait for a time when I can test it on a friends layout that has a S2.

One minor issue I have is that from time to time, the sound is a bit crackly.. I believe it is associated with the speaker and is mainly when the loco is notching up or at the end of a horn blast. I placed capton tape on the back of the speaker so that the contacts dont touch the metal backing on the speaker and the metal backing on the speaker does not touch the metal of the loco chassis.
I placed the speaker diaphragm facing towards to motor as John Colombo did. Im wondering is the speaker has a polarity that I may have the wrong way around.

Here is a picture of the back of a spare speaker I have.

Any advice would be appreciated as to how to stop the crackle.

Brendan Dennis
N scale - Delaware & Hudson Champlain Division


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Re: Atlas S2 - Problem with sound - degraded sound then no sound.
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2018, 12:19:30 AM »
In monophonic single-speaker installs the polarity is irrelevant.  As far as the crackling goes. have you tried decreasing the volume to see if the problem goes away?  You mentioned crackling with the old speaker too.  Maybe there still is a problem with the wiring or even the decoder?
. . . 42 . . .


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Re: Atlas S2 - Problem with sound - degraded sound then no sound.
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2018, 12:30:43 AM »
Thanks for the info re the speaker.
I have not tried changing the volume.. I will do that..
The crackling with the old speaker only happened as it started to fail and it sounded like tit was breaking down. The sound from the new speaker is different.
As for the wiring, I used new wire that I saved from old Digitrax decoder installs, it is probably a little heavy, but that wont be an issue as there was plenty of space. So the wires from the solder pads on the decoder to the new speaker are new.

I will play with the volume and see if that makes any difference.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Brendan Dennis
N scale - Delaware & Hudson Champlain Division


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Re: Atlas S2 - Problem with sound - degraded sound then no sound.
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2018, 01:30:35 AM »
I'm no expert by any stretch but, from what I've gathered after having experienced a couple of sound failures myself, is that the speakers I've found that are suitable for custom N scale loco installs....say 8x12mm or 9x16mm (8 ohm) ones...are typically rated at .5W (.7W max) or .7W (1W max). Sound decoders, on the other hand and if I understand it correctly, often provide more than these speakers are rated when at full volume and can over-drive them, leading to sound distortion or a complete failure of the speaker and/or the decoder's amp. With the failures I've encountered, it began with increasing distortion and crackling as you described. I have since learned to turn the volume down quite a bit before firing up an install for the first time.

On my LokSound installs, when I'm using a 1W max, 8 ohm speaker, I now start with the master volume setting at around 120 (as opposed to the default setting of 192...which according to my LokProgrammer is 150% volume) and will then run up the prime mover for a few minutes with the bell and horn sounding frequently to check for any signs of distortion, crackling or excessive heating. I may bump the volume up or down from there some, depending on the outcome, but a master volume setting starting around 120 (or 93.75% volume per the LokProgrammer) has been working pretty well for me and sounds pretty good (your mileage may vary). I'll also turn some of the individual sound volumes in addition to the master volume, as I find the bell, random comressor or spitters are typically set way too high. I think there's a few different factors that can have a bearing on where volumes can be set, including the sound recordings themselves, making each install unique. All this said, I don't know what the S2's speaker is rated at or what the default master volume setting is.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 01:56:37 AM by tehachapifan »


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Re: Atlas S2 - Problem with sound - degraded sound then no sound.
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2018, 01:54:44 AM »
The 3 that I have are set at 75(it's somewhere around 35-40% volume) and they sound pretty good. I just put a chambered 8X12MM speaker one of them as the OEM speaker was about to go. I don't know why the factory would set them up the way they did.

Tehachapifan: The default volume for mine were max.


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Re: Atlas S2 - Problem with sound - degraded sound then no sound.
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2018, 02:12:23 AM »
Thanks guys.. I will crack open the Lok Programmer that I have and check the volumes..
I will advise what I find.
Brendan Dennis
N scale - Delaware & Hudson Champlain Division