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Maybe this could be bashed a little:http://siotani.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_389/siotani/DSC08211-2.JPGhttps://www.google.com/search?q=Kato+23-225+-+Wood+2-Stall+Engine+House&num=30&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiglajNvcrYAhVCq1MKHZzQD_IQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=633https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/156253232253.jpg
You could just use tar paper for the roof. Using masking tape. And the sell board and batten in sheets as well.
It was just an idea. You should first find a real enginehouse you like and figure out how to model it from there.Could always cut the top story off the Walthers kit too.
You know I keep looking back at that Kato enginehouse. Here is a photo of it without all the Japanese signage:http://www.diotown.com/creative/assets_c/2013/04/-thumb-800xauto-3822.pngAnd some photos of putting kit together/weathering:http://www.diotown.com/creative/2013/04/kato-wooden-loco-house.htmlIf you chop off the bottom "concrete" base that is there for Unitrack. It would look much better.Amazon has it for $20:https://www.amazon.com/Kato-USA-Inc-23-225-2-Stall/dp/B002OBA6UCIt has board/batten siding
Scratchbuilt ....Maybe 15 bucks at most ....
My vote goes to the modified Thurmond It just oozes character, and the location on your layout is up front and personal and visible from three directions. Something like that needs to be scratchbuilt, and you could tweak the plan/footprint dimensions to suit your needs. I would love to see the grade drop along the edge of the layout, (implying the river or creek) and model the vertical supports and diagonal bracing, but realize it maybe too late for that... The open track along the edge is also a great opportunity to display equipment and all kinds of railroad junk...Oh this is going to be fun to watch Otto