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Yes, both look great!And love that ol' time CM freight ... but your adoring public demands more! Wildflower excursion? Even is just on a consist on a siding, with lasses and gents strolling in their Sunday best? https://issuu.com/lakecountypl/docs/midland_railroad_wildflower_excursi
I wish that proper Edwardian figures were more readily available in N scale!
Half the time was trying to get the shell off without breaking it. The usual "drop method using the jewel case" does not work due to the pilot and rear deck is NOT part of the shell.1. When TCS' website say to spread the front left and right rear of the shell to remove it, this is with the reference that the loco is on it's back! Not upright! Thus I had so much trouble removing it. On those corners there is a clear inside piece that has a notch that hooks on to two matching tabs on the metal halves.
Finished the latest cover photo for the B&NL Facebook page. Hope to resume construction progress later this month so I can have more vignettes to shoot.