Those U18B castings he did were outstanding. I did the masters, and Bryan Bussey got him to cast them.
The corrugation on the grills was flawless.
Over the years, I sold all my extras. Now I wish I had held back more.
The only part that did NOT cast well was the cab. Because of shrinkage, the cab casting was thicker-- which meant that the Kato windows were not a drop fit and required TONS of work to get them in. I finally decided that stock Kato U30C cabs were the way to go- just for the sake of the windows. So when Kato had the U30C old shells going for $5, I bought a bunch.
I guess using Atlas parts would be the way to go now if I were to try this again. Except, I'm waiting on Atlas to release a U30B so the door arrangement will be correct. Shortening a U23B just won't do it for the body.