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Peteski, makes sense what you are suggesting about quality control testing (or lack thereof) in model railroad loco mass-production.So that then begs the question: What do the Kato or Atlas/Kader *design engineers* do, when they are designing or specifying a new or improved silent running mechanism for a new loco (such as the Kato UP 4-8-4 or new Kato SDP40F.... or Atlas when they were designing the Alco S-2 mechanism)? I would hope they build physical manufacturing prototypes to test out their theoretical designs for silent running, prior to committing capital dollars to production? And thus, I would hope they have tools to locate and debug in their manufacturing prototypes, any vibration or excessively noisy issues they find?
Interesting thread with much good input.I've installed many decoders. Drop in and hardwired as well. One early Intermountain SD45-2 was particularly noisy after reassembly. I found two things contributing to the noise.1. The frame halves were parallel end to end but not top to bottom. (This has been mentioned in an earlier post) I ended up measuring the flange on the stock round frame spacer/ insulators and adding a styrene strip the same thickness along the bottom edge of the frame and this solved the problem. I think later runs of these incorporated a third spacer and frame screw in the lower part of the frame.2. The torque to which the frame screws are tightened is critical. I've found that if they feel almost too loose, they're just about right.Perhaps even though they tighten against the spacer, too tight may introduce a small amount of crush to the motor saddle and bearing blocks causing noise.I recently installed hardwired decoders in a pair of LifeLike DL 109s. I set the decoders up identically and as odd as it sounds was able to "mechanically" speed match them simply by slightly tightening the fast engine and loosening the frame screws on the slow engine ever so slightly.I guess you could measure torque of the frame screws as opposed to just going by feel to gain a scientific value.There is an element of "more art than science" that comes into play I believe. We used to build marine twin engines for pleasure craft and houseboats. GM 350 and 454 were common. We would build a pair exactly to the numbers (science) and one would always run just a bit better than the other until we tuned and finessed them (art) to run together.
Of all the suggestions and techniques brought up by narrowminded (and I like them), to me the king is the milliammeter. It is one of the easiest things to put in place while running a model, and it never lies. - If you have reduced friction or other load on your mechanism, it will always show up in the current draw. - The meter isn't some mechanically awkward fixture that has to be attached to the engine.- It will show you if you have intermittent contact, and if you are over stressing a motor.
There's certainly a ton of info here on hardware troubleshooting. Has anyone experimented with different lubrication? Could different lube affect noise? I'd be curious to know whether stuff like Lebelle 102 oil vs 106 grease makes a difference. Or what about graphite? Long ago, there was the "Toothpaste Method" for silencing growlers, since toothpaste has a mild abrasive to wear down tight mesh. Does that still have any merit with today's equipment?