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I essentially finished my SP "Phase I" GP60 kitbash I started 9 years ago using the LL GP60. Hoping it will hold up OK next to the new FVM units.......
Did some decal work:Because:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.0837842,-81.4965389,3a,75y,73.03h,88.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8Nk0hcimxwAh_P8ML3rdFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Thanks for the kudos, Ben! Much appreciated! Regarding the AC....I think I got it right, as per the photo seen in this link (which served as inspiration for the overhead shot)....http://espee.railfan.net/picindex/gp60_walkaround/thcsp9601t.htmlBut, perhaps not as I see now there's a slight difference.
I stand corrected. You got the AC right and FVM got it wrong. (Upon further review, it appears that theirs is not aseparate part and they may have just done one style, which is appropriate for ATSF.)More kudos to you.
I went completely off the reservation and decided, on a small scale, to tinker with Z-scale. I became enamored with Z after the last GTE show here in Louisville earlier this year. The layout is 32"x72" and has folding legs for easy storage under my N-scale PRR layout. The theme is MRL in modern-day Montana. The layout is a simple oval with one siding, one spur, and four staging tracks behind the backdrop. So, it's basically a "railfan" layout that is setup for running a variety of traffic through the modeled portion of the layout. The last few trees were added over the weekend. Next step is to weather the rolling stock and locomotives. (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) That's pretty awesome. (Attachment Link)
I went completely off the reservation and decided, on a small scale, to tinker with Z-scale. I became enamored with Z after the last GTE show here in Louisville earlier this year. The layout is 32"x72" and has folding legs for easy storage under my N-scale PRR layout. The theme is MRL in modern-day Montana. The layout is a simple oval with one siding, one spur, and four staging tracks behind the backdrop. So, it's basically a "railfan" layout that is setup for running a variety of traffic through the modeled portion of the layout. The last few trees were added over the weekend. Next step is to weather the rolling stock and locomotives.