Author Topic: NCE Power Cab System Starter Set? Booster?  (Read 1138 times)

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NCE Power Cab System Starter Set? Booster?
« on: April 24, 2016, 05:49:32 PM »
I've been reading assorted sites trying to decide on the best DCC system to use on the layout I'm hoping to start building by this summer. I'm leaning toward the NCE starter set. In the description, it says "Runs up to four N scale trains". Do I need a booster too, since I'll have up to 10 locomotives on the layout? But I can't imagine running more than 2 locos at one time.

This is all very confusing. Does the "Runs up to four N scale trains" mean 4 running at one time, or 4 total on the layout?

I have another question. I was looking around today, and I read somewhere that Kato recommends 3 Amps for its Unitrack. What would adding a 5 Amp booster do?

Jeez, and to think I'm going with DCC so I won't have to wire multiple blocks with miles of wiring.

Hmm... I'm gonna go get
me some beer while Kiz
sorts this out...

Two scientists create a teleportation ray, and they try it out on a cricket. They put the cricket on one of the two teleportation pads in the room, and they turn the ray on.
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"It works! It works!"


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Re: NCE Power Cab System Starter Set? Booster?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2016, 06:11:18 PM »
I have the NCE starter set.  It runs 2-3 locomotives and has up to 8 in "idle" without more than 100 mA of the 2000 mA rating consumed.  With 10 Tortoise machines on all the time now, it is usually running at about 350-400 mA with a train running. 

All of this is to say that it is loads of power for a fleet and many accessories.  I can't imagine a situation I would need a booster with my layout.


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Re: NCE Power Cab System Starter Set? Booster?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2016, 06:14:30 PM »
Thanks, Scott. That helps a lot.

Hmm... I'm on my third
beer now. This could get

Two scientists create a teleportation ray, and they try it out on a cricket. They put the cricket on one of the two teleportation pads in the room, and they turn the ray on.
The cricket jumps across the room onto the other pad.
"It works! It works!"

Mike C

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Re: NCE Power Cab System Starter Set? Booster?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2016, 06:23:50 PM »
 The starter set PowerCab will run at least 3 sound equipped trains at once . And I really don't see any problem with it handling 4 maybe 5 . Running 2 trains at once I've never seen them draw more than .5 amps .  The controller will store up to 6 different loco addresses so you can easily switch between them . For a small layout I don't see any need of a booster , I don't have one , anyway .  And the NCE system is VERY easy to use and program with .


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Re: NCE Power Cab System Starter Set? Booster?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2016, 09:54:31 PM »
The Power Cab is a complete DCC system housed in a throttle (controller) enclosure.  You can type in addresses of several locomotives into the throttle and easily rotate through the addresses (just by hitting a button), but there is only a single throttle knob so only one train or consist can be controller simultaneously.  You can add other regular throttles to the power cab and then you will have the ability to simultaneously control multiple locos or consists (since each one will be assigned to each throttle).

If you decide to expand the system further by adding a booster/command-station then the Power Cab can be used as a standard Pro Cab throttle.
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