I was reading through the March 2016 Model Railroad Hobbyist and on page 348 has this:
http://mrhpub.com/2016-03-mar/online/"N scale mainline tie strips for code 55 rail. The new 1/160th scale ties offer the same opportunities for replicating authentic trackwork as CV's highly-regarded HO ties.
The new self-gauging N scale ties present the accurate appearance and spacing of prototype mainline trackwork. Although the CV ties do not include rail, the manufacturer says it is faster and easier to install the rail than any code 55 flex track currently available. The new 3001 N-scale CVT Code 55 Mainline ties are packaged as 6-piece sample packs containing 6 feet of code 55 tie material with an MSRP of $9.85,.
Package of 50 feet of code 55 tie material have an MSRP of $46.18.
For additional information visit
http://www.cvmw.com/cvt.htmI don't see mention of #3001 on their website on the page linked (maybe I'm just tired?) or maybe they plan to update it.
Has anyone heard of this before? What are your thoughts?