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Isn't a decal a lot more complicated than this needs to be?There are plenty of good prototype photos of that placard. Since it is a freestanding placard, couldn't you just scale it, print it outon nice clean white cardstock, and then glue it on the car? Overspray it with a few coats of Dullcote if you want to protect the ink.Or if you want more rigidity, just glue the paper onto a thin .010" styrene rectangle and glue that on the car.What am I missing that makes a decal important here?
nkalanagaCrew*" it wouldn't be hard to kitbash the production cars from the Atlas car."
You may want hit up @hegstad1 about this car conversion and possible decals.Here's an old A Board weekend update.http://forum.atlasrr.com/forum/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&topic_id=54414Jason