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Here's a link to the item.http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hersheys-chocolate-reefer-Decals-new-Atlas-walthers-imrc-resin-brass-kits-N-/272044572248?hash=item3f571ebe58:g:MQsAAOSwl8NVX9SvRandy
if Hershey leased the from URTC then it should be close. how does the N car compare to the HO ex-Branchline car ? if its close,then use it. Spikre
Thanks! The seller's name is dkmtech. I wonder of this is the Donald Malnick (spelling?) who used to produce custom decals (he had ads in Model Railroader mag.).
The exact photo to the one in the initial post of this thread is in the book Billboard Refrigerator Cars (photo is from E. Kaminski's collection). As far as I can tell there are roof hatches on the roof.The car was built by AC&F in May, 1927 and was fitted with new roof before entering Hershey service in Oct, 1931. It was painted chocolate brown with aluminum lettering. It was in the HERX 1000-1049 series of cars.Going by the reputation of the book's authors I would say that this info is accurate.I guess I would still have to create my own decal if I wanted aluminum lettering.
The description says that the lettering is silver. I'll let you know how my car turns out, I have applied silver lettering before on some war bonds North Shore interurbans and there is clearly a difference between the silver and the white.
I got the decals last night , the lettering is silver, not white. Now I gotta find chocolate brown, IC brown perhaps?Randy
Excellent, if you can, post pics when done. I'm waiting on the car to arrive and I'm ordering the decals today. Is this the brown your going for? True color 165.
I think the roof was painted silver also, should be a nice looking car. Randy