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...the pre production Osgoode Bradley car (I think, we don't remember if we packed it.... )
Call, text, email, Skype, Twit, whatever someone back there and ask.
Photos and videos please for all of us who cannot attend.
(pre production photo)Drop by and say hi.... and talk N scale; Matt is a closet N scaler......
Ed,you could start with the fall set.I've thought about that as well.
Hmm. Fields of corn stubble are usually indicative of modern practices, "modern" meaning roughly after mid-1970 (tho' some experimentation from 1950-on). It used to be turned-under right after harvest for the organic matter to decompose in the soil. With the advent of large-scale agricultural chemistry and eventually seed drills specialized for the practice, it became more beneficial to favor soil conservation with no-till techniques.
I can say that both practices, tilling versus non-tilling, are still done from my observation chugging down the rails.
and some of our new, and soon to be in stores N scale reefers..... (after all; we have to provide something to be slammed for..... )(pre production photo)