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My planned operations are pretty basic, so I am not sure that I see much use of the yellow LEDs in actual practice, other than the Approach Diverging. Are there any scenarios that I should be considering?Ed
So the logic would be, each CP would need to know the state of its adjacent CPs, and then restrict a clear indicator to yellow if the next signal in that direction were red. To implement that I would need to add a wire in each direction between the arduinos (a pretty rudimentary Loco Net I suppose ).
One case where I think I will need that is an uphill (or downhill) train on the mainline thru Walong that has to stop at the east (or west) Walong switch to let a downhill (or uphill) train clear into the siding. In other cases tho, would the yellows typically be handled by the intermediates? I don't think I see a downhill train into Woodford getting a yellow on the main, since the train would be headed into staging at that point and next signal would not actually be represented on the layout.BTW the arduinos have daughtercards available that can handle various networking, including Ethernet WiFi, Bluetooth, and XBee. For now I am not sure if I would need any of that, but it would be fun to tinker with. Ed
Just about every mainline signal on Tehachapi pass had a yellow aspect for an approach indication; they would have been present at both the intermediates and control points. I think the one exception may have been West/North Walong (CP SP351) which only had a red or green indication for the trailing signals northoung into the tunnel (this was discussed a bit on the Tehachapi prototype signal thread). Whether or not you want to replicate this exactly logic is your call. On one hand, you could have your signals that govern movement off the layout (to staging, signals 56L, and 52R on your diagram) show a green that they are cleared, or you could also give a yellow aspect of "be prepared to stop(in staging)"
With 52R/56L a train heading off the layout would pretty much always be stopping in staging anyways, so that would mean they would never see a green (except perhaps for continuous running of a single train thru the staging).With no yellows on the trailing signals on CPSP351 I presume that a dispatcher should never allow a train to proceed unless all the track up to CPSP350 were clear.
Mind if I copy?
A few more details on how I might implement this approach. This pic shows the lengths and layout of the individual detection blocks in the staging sections:Note that the detection blocks are different lengths for each staging track. This in part is due to the helix, where the outer tracks are necessarily longer anyway. This arrangement also reflects the intended train lengths that were previously discussed.This pic shows how the bar graph LEDs would be placed on the CTC panel:Each segment in the bar graph actually has two color LEDs, and thus can display either red, yellow, or green. (Most other LED bar graphs have a single LED per segment, and thus only one fixed color. With this bar graph I can even program the LEDs to change color on the fly if I wanted to.) What I have done here is to use red for a stop block, yellow for the two blocks approaching a stop block, and green for the 'regular' blocks. An unoccupied block will of course have its corresponding LED switched off. So even with 100% hidden trains, there should be no chance of a collision as long as the operator keeps at least one unoccupied block between trains at all times.Ed
I'll say this Ed, you're not half-assed about anything you do.
Are they these? https://www.adafruit.com/products/1721
Do you want to consider having an additional guard block after each stop block in the appropriate direction? The way it's set up now you know when a train enters the stop block, but not if the stop block has been overrun and the train is fouling the switch.