On behalf of Craig Barrow, John Doehring, and Jim Kline of NTrak, I am pleased to
The new 2015 NTrak Steam Annual book is now available. I received my copy yesterday and as has always
been true in the past, it is a terrific book with a variety of N Scale steam loco kitbash, scratchbuild, repair and
review articles.
This book is the latest installment in what used to be called the "Steam Locomotive Book" or the "Steam Addendum",
which were published nearly every year through 2012. With the passing of Jim Fitzgerald, Ntrak needed some time
to reorganize, and now I am happy to report that the steam books are back.
The book contains 16 articles this time, some (as is usual) by members of this very forum.
It also includes a full index to ALL of the steam loco books and addenda, so you
can use the index to find out which other volumes may contain pieces of interest to you (which you should,
of course, run over to ntrak.org and order!)
Here's the info on the book (bottom of the page)
http://www.ntrak.org/documents/steam_data_book_description.htmThe book is $18, and you.... YES YOU... can order one here: