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Like it or not, no matter how long of a discussion we have about the current state of the government, the bottom line is that Floquil and now Scalecoat paints are gone! What's next? CA glue because it might be causing cancer?These hobbies will not be as much fun anymore (at least for me). And I don't want to hear about alternative paints. It seems that instead of a pleasurable time, my hobby is becoming more a struggle to find the hobby supplies which I prefer (and which had been previously available for many decades). Time to start thinking of moving on to pre-decorated structures from Woodland Scenics and RTR models from all the manufacturers.
Yes government is a necessary evil...
The people of this country have more power than even you might realize. The biggest problem is, the people refuse to realize the power they hold. For example, if you believe a company is doing wrong, stop purchasing their products. Their income comes from you purchasing their products.
Do not buy into the "You didn't build that" lie.
The evil part is a reflection on the owner of the government. Too many people think there's is the majority thought and their representative can do no wrong when they stop the works holding out for one side of a belief when negotiation is the only real option. Look at real issues that have gone unaddressed for too long - immigration, education, campaign finance... look how long the federal system has operated on an endless series of CRs rather than having a real budget approved by Congress. We shouldn't be sending our reps to the Hill to screw everyone else, but to make our voice heard and get the best deal they can, and we should accept that; but let's not sit on our hands and kick the cans down the road anymore waiting for the perfect moment.In this age of shell and parent companies and DBA, it is far easier to, with major corporations, go straight to the heart and stop action before it hits the market. If one does it wrong for cheap, they likely all will and then there's no alternative product/company to go with. While the FDA is not the best model to cite, it is the process we should be using to approve possibly dangerous products/processes in all realms, like fracking. Do no harm should be the mantra, not oh we'll clean it up later but for now fughettaboutit.Haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about.
we should be using to approve possibly dangerous products/processes in all realms, like fracking.
You're joking right? didn't you read the report from the government? Here is the report in the Washington Times. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/21/frackings-safety-gets-boost-from-federa-377430624/?page=all
I, personally, think the whole Sir Topham Hat regime is corrupt...those damn Republicrats have ruined the Island of Sodor's economy....
Back to the little trains......Does Weaver make anything in N scale?