Author Topic: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat  (Read 8430 times)

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Ed Kapuscinski

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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2015, 03:27:50 PM »
The goal of the rotten, stinking activists in this country is to eliminate paints for modeling by applying so many regulations and banning so many ingredients, a manufacturer cannot afford to make them.


I'm sure that's their goal: to ruin the model paint industry.


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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2015, 03:41:02 PM »
I'm sure that's their goal: to ruin the model paint industry.

Heh heh. Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket. :D

The problem with well-meaning regulation is how it affects tiny but distinct minorities, minorities that simply no longer have a voice in the process. It takes money - lots of money - to make your concerns a bullet item in even the most insignificant legislation. Hobbies don't have that sort of funding. It usually takes something stupid - such as misuse of multi-rotor RC aircraft - to put your pastime on the agenda.

We'll adapt. Besides, we're just along for the ride. :|

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Philip H

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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2015, 03:43:37 PM »
actually at the federal level our goal is to implement the laws Congress passes with the resources Congress gives us.  Federal agencies don't really get to get into the debate about boneheadedness. :facepalm:

and that aside - the 0.01% issues get solved because they can be - oil companies have long since decided its cheaper to break the law and pay the fine, and the USG can only do so much enforcement wise.

As to Scalecoat - not long ago here we heard a lot of wailing and crying about the demise of Floquil and how it was ruining the industry. Funny how that debate whithered and died once it was pointed out there were better alternatives.

I'm sorry to see Weaver and Scalecoat go - but that's market economics for ya!  :trollface:
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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2015, 04:01:45 PM »

The problem with well-meaning regulation is how it affects tiny but distinct minorities, minorities that simply no longer have a voice in the process.

Things like this remind me of watching Arizona voters passing the no smoking law.  While good for Phoenix and other large population areas,  the small towns in the sticks with only a couple hundred people were coming back 100% against it but it wasn't going to matter.



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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2015, 05:53:30 PM »
That's terrible news! The reason for the closure is that the owner is retiring. No mention of environmental concerns.

Anyhow, I just ordered $125 worth of Scalecoat II paint today. Hope I get it.

Hmm... they didn't have
any orangutan orange...

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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2015, 06:05:02 PM »
That's terrible news! The reason for the closure is that the owner is retiring. No mention of environmental concerns.

The "environmental concerns" came with searching for a new buyer, for which he was unsuccessful. I strongly suspect that once the costs, limitations, red tape and compliance issues of hobby paint production were understood by any prospective purchaser, that prospect would run away, and run away fast. I know I would.

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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2015, 06:44:43 PM »

Back to topic... Tru-Color is pretty expensive at MSRP, soon to be over $10 per 2 oz. bottle. Any online shops carry it? My usual sources do not.

I made this point during the Floquil shutdown - given that the number of MRRs who paint is small and getting smaller due to the vast improvements in RTR selections, a project that really needs to be undertaken is "old school" color matching of RR colors with the paint lines available to the generic modeler community, such as Tamiya and Vallejo. There are good paints out there that are readily available, just not off-the-shelf in our gamut.

Micro Scale Decals has started a chart for Floquil Paint:

It's sad to see another manufacture dropping out of the market. I understand as I wish to retire someday myself, it's just a shame some other solution is not available. I guess I never realized Weaver was that small of a operation, with only seven employees.

Angus Shops

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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2015, 07:15:56 PM »
Yes, I'm going to miss Scalecoat; it (was) a great product and their CPR Tuscan was spot on. On the other hand, maybe I'll learn to use a product more likely to allow myself to meet my grandchildren. But I'm still going to buy up what my local has in stock...



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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2015, 08:05:28 PM »
Wait a minute. "Activists" sets off your BS meter, but "chem-trails" does not?

Thanks for the laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Hmm, this is the first time I'm on the other side of this "paint" fence......First, I lost Accu-paint, learned to move on, then I got Tru-Color, so that was (eventually) cool....Then I lost Floquil, which is what I used for structures and weathering mostly..I have still not found a great replacement, yet.........I never liked Scalecoat, but my advice is get some while you can, and wait for another company to (hopefully) come along.... :|


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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2015, 08:28:56 PM »
Do your paint shopping in craft stores like Michaels.If you can find usable colours there you aren't really looking.
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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2015, 09:32:59 PM »
This really sucks!  First Floquil, now this!
Skipping all the environmental comments, I really do not like those "safe" water-based paints.   I'm old-scool!  :D  I do use water-based paints for some weathering and brush-painting figures, but for real modeling give me organic solvent based paints!

Scalecoat paints also have a glossy finish which is decal-ready - I will miss that.  I will also miss their engine black's satin finish. It was the best straight-out-of-the-bottle satin finish of all the black paints I tried.  Then of course is their paint stripper - again, an item which will be greatly missed (at least by me).

Man, this really blows!  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I also feel like responding to Geoff's "On the other hand, maybe I'll learn to use a product more likely to allow myself to meet my grandchildren." statement.  Come on let's, get real.  Most of the modelers here are over 50 years old (many are over 70) and we all used solvent-based paints  in our hobbies since the young age. Most of us are still alive, more or less healthy, and able to see our grandchildren (if we have any).  :)  The level of exposure to chemicals we use in out hobbies is quite minimal compared to someone who deals with this type of chemicals in their professional life.  Plus in the last 30 years or so we have been so brainwashed trained to use respirators, skin protection, and paint booths which all further minimize the dangers of using solvent-based paints.
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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2015, 10:05:31 PM »
Massive emitters of these chemicals have lobbyists,  Weaver Models didn't....

I think that's the problem in a nutshell...

I agree with Peteski - there is nothing out there like some of their paints - even from a can on a warm, dry day you could
get a perfect finish.

I thought Scalecoat was basically an auto lacquer type paint in custom colors and Weaver just packaged it.  They did the whole formulation???   Are we sure about this?

- Lou
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 10:10:28 PM by ljudice »


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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2015, 10:27:46 PM »

I thought Scalecoat was basically an auto lacquer type paint in custom colors and Weaver just packaged it.  They did the whole formulation???   Are we sure about this?

My thoughts are that it is too mild (solvent-wise) for an automotive paint.  It doesn't smell like any automotive paints I have used. It smells more like Testors PLA enamels. Not that I habitually sniff paint or anything like that.  :D Plus it seems to be an enamel not lacquer.  I doubt that it was their own formulation but even if it was some standard paint, where will you be able to buy it in 2 oz. quantities?  Paint companies probably sell it in 5 gal. minimum size.
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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2015, 11:31:43 PM »
My brother is an award-winning high-end auto restoration body/paint professional (no Bondo, just lead) who also used to work as an instructor for Akzo Sikkens.  He uses 1:1 auto paints for large scale (well, larger than N) auto models regularly.
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Re: Weavers closing, along with Scalecoat
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2015, 11:48:07 PM »
Wait a minute. "Activists" sets off your BS meter, but "chem-trails" does not?


I saw it, I chose to avoid it. I got an hour lecture one night about chem trails and chose never to get in that conversation again.