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Got a new purchase: This book provide some detail into N&W Pullmans and the operation of valley trains from Roanoke to Hagerstown. I hope to model so N&W traffic on the Pennsy, so this is very helpful. It is also filled with a ton of other info, including station drawings, so if anybody needs info, ask away!
You bought a new house without exact dimensions of every possible new layout space in hand? What sort of model railroader are you?? Poser!Dave
This.Greg O.
I can't find my tape measure, it's packed somewhere I'm sure, but I'm going to guess the room is 12x12....Also, it has a nice 2 car garage, so some Vehicular Mayhem is also on it's way.....Muhahaha.....
Only some? Man, you are slipping!!
Mike,I have a good friend that did that for his track car. Lots of work. Have you found the brake system from a E34 530 yet? That helped a lot. But the M60 is really tall with the OHC and makes packaging tough. He said in hindsight he should have done the LSx instead. It was a great runner and was fast as stink at Road A and VIR but lots of creative engineering went into it. But tjis was a bit ago so maybe the info is more mainstream now. Enjoy it!
Chris, That Shay is, um, BEAUTIFUL. What an engine! I wish they made something like that in N Scale.I put the finishing touches on Klaus Bros. Furniture. The industry is named after our beloved Doberman, Klaus,and if you look on the narrow dock in front of the open freight door, to the right of the door, you can seeKlaus guarding his factory. It was not easy to paint and rearrange the ears and legs of the Woodland Scenics firefighting crew Dalmation to look like a Doberman, let me tell you.
Max, I've now looked at the photos you posted about a dozen times and each time it seems I see something new. The overall composition of the scene, the blending of colour from the building to the scenery to the rolling stock, the numerous small details, the weathering, the people, the background trees, simply excellent modelling. Thank you for sharing, I now have a target for my own efforts.John