I had a chance to test run the three new DCC Sound Equipped locomotives that I received yesterday and compare them to the one sound equipped locomotive I have from the last run, not my no sound locomotives. The tests were preformed on my home layout which is code 80 track with Peco Switches and use CVP Wireless DC. My three new locomotives run like my older locomotive from the last run. At startup as you advance the throttle you hear engine startup compressor release hiss, as you continue to advance speed you get bell sound which cuts out and is replaced by horn (crossing signal) as the locomotive begins to move. When running about every two minutes you get the horn sounding crossing sequence. After breaking each locomotive in running in both forward and reverse the starting speed wasn't quite at full throttle setting and I could run faster with the throttle turned down. I could also with a bit of practice slow down and trigger the bell as I came to a stop. One Santa Fe Locomotive had a rear coupler box that was loosely screwed on and pivoted to one side causing the trip pin to snag a crossing causing an abrupt stop (loco still running). A small Phillips screw driver fixed this. As usual I checked the wheels with a N.M.R.A. N Gauge and they were all in specs on all three locomotives. Here is the "Interesting Problem." I have one Peco switch on my Yellow mainline that is part of a crossover to the Red main track. All other locomotives steam and diesel from various manufactures pass through this switch without stalling, single unit diesels. multi unit lash ups, big & small steam. The three new Athearn's stall at the switch, try to reset and start up again, two of them also when running in reverse through the switch. Locomotive #3 actual road number the Milwaukee one goes through backwards with no problem, but not going forward. My DCC Sound locomotive from the last run runs through just fine in both directions. I will not have a chance to operate these locomotives in DCC mode until the Wasatch N Scale layout is set up at the the "Round House Festival" in Evanston, Wyoming in August, but I' am sure they will run just fine. Nate Goodman (Nato).