Author Topic: Modifying old Atlas/Riv 12-1's to plan 2410F/2410E - an article  (Read 1240 times)

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Mr. Claus Schlund has written an excellent article for the Winter 2015 issue of The Keystone Modeler (a free on-line publication of the PRRT&HS) regarding re-detailing the old Atlas/Rivarossi/ConCor heavyweight sleepers to be correct 12-1 sleepers of type Plan 2410F and 2410E. These sleepers were not just PRR specific, instead running across the Pullman system. His article, which is found at the link below is really well done and worth a read.

See, isn't it special when a Canadian Pacific guy can do something nice for SPF's............. ;)

« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 10:04:38 AM by Puddington »
Model railroading isn't saving my life, but it's providing me moments of joy not normally associated with my current situation..... Train are good!


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Re: Modifying old Atlas/Riv 12-1's to plan 2410F/2410E - an article
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2015, 10:36:13 AM »
I thought i read recently though that all Pullman sleepers had pedimented ends.  So the round roof ends that are common on all RivaRossi heavyweights, probably done to have common tooling parts, is an issue.  I've seen pics of front end equipment and of coaches with round roof ends.  But I don't recall seeing any in pics of sleepers and parlors, or any Pullman-built car.
Bryan Busséy
NHRHTA #2246
NSE #1117