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With rain the forecast, a local roofing company, whose owner is a big WM guy, offered his services to get the station roof finished before the rains moved in. They finished up just as the first rain drops began to fall. Meanwhile, crews inside put up a few walls and framed out the bathroom. 2017-03-31_12-52-05 by Adam Henry, on Flickr2017-03-31 10.35.03 by Adam Henry, on Flickr
Been in a rut lately, so I turned to paperwork. I have a list of railroad industries across the countries (US/Canada/Mexico) that ship/receive by rail that I'm going thru to produce waybills for the cars on the layout. The list comes from Bill Brillinger's layout/blog posts over on MRH. I've gone thru all the industries on my layout and found possibly corresponding shippers/receivers for them. I copied everything into a new excel file and printed them out. Have 7 pages of possibilities . http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/18272#comment-151615
I started skinning another building for Spring Grove this evening. One issue I ran into with the plywood skeleton method is what to do about windows and doors so everything was smooth since they fit in from the back. I ended up taking my dremel with a sanding drum and removing enough wood for the window to be inset into the plywood. I then took some flat black spray paint to hit behind where the windows are. I'm going to run a piece of square styrene down the corners to hide the edges.20170703_200609[1] by Adam Henry, on Flickr