I have the Digitrax Zephyr "Extra" and have been having problems with the thottle, wanted to know if anyone else was too.
Whenever you are running a train, and turn the throttle down to zero or "Stop" the train slows down but never stops. It keeps going at a slow speed until you reverse the direction and turn the throttle up. Then it will very promptly change direction and keep going. There is no way to stop the train without killing track power.
At first I thought this was a decoder problem, but it does it to every single engine I put on the track. I next plugged my DT400 into the loconet port on the back of the DCS 51, and running the train with the DT400, I had perfect control. It appears the problem is within the throttle itself on the DCS 51.
I have performed the option switch reset a couple of time and it hasn't fixed the problem. Any ideas?