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Pardon my ignorance.... these two different models. I assume the one without the cab is the Pennsy M1, what it the one with the cab?https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10450287_844600258893134_9131925211968110560_o.jpg
Might happen? They said tooling is done, looks like it is happening. Just hope a PRR J1 follows...
Seems like a question that is just made for Facebook! Could it be a non-US prototype made for a different customer?Best wishes, Dave
That is a very good guess - it does look like a model of a European steam loco. The cab and the sand pipes/dome are clearly European looking. The spacing of the sand pipes makes this a ?-8-? loco.
About damn time. That other one does kinda look like a Canadian prototype.