Author Topic: Fox Valley Models N scale GE-ES-E Wow!  (Read 1192 times)

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Big Windy

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Fox Valley Models N scale GE-ES-E Wow!
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:38:27 PM »
O.k so I may be late to the party on Fox Valley Models but I haven't purchased much as I am in between layouts . My brother gave me the unit to install a decoder in it. Little did I know it is easily done with a plug in decoder, the hardest part is making sure pin 1 goes to pin one. Well after admiring how good it looks add, a whole package of extra detail items shades, grab irons, wipers and cut lever, The next surprise was how fantastic it runs. SMOoooTHH. From a creep to a run on my oval it is nice!!! Here comes the next surprise, I dropped it!!! The damages a snow plow. Well I got on FVM's site and saw that parts are short in supply and to be patient so I put in a request for one, all the time thinking it will be like my current case with Intermountain SD45T railing set, over 6 months and Nada. The surprise is FVM sent me a unpainted plow at NO charge a day later . Wow!! So if FVM watches for posts, keep it up!! I know who is going to see my money!! Great looks,extra detail and fantastic unexpected service. I don't gush over much but every once in a while I am surprised and can't help giving credit to someone who gets it right.