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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2014, 09:58:37 AM »
And I don't have as much issue with that, but that's a far cry from 'We don't do parts' which is apparently the attitude at Rapido.  The idea that parts are for someone else to deal with stinks of an arrogance that I have a hard time believing they can afford.

I guess I'm just glad they don't make anything I need. I'd rather support the companies that at least try to help the modeler, and not just skim the cream off the top.

Who's the arrogant one?

And if that's the case that they don't offer parts, then that is their prerogative.  If it's not economically feasible or doesn't fit into their business model, then so be it.  You aren't entitled to having available parts of every N scale model that's been released over the past 50 years on the remote possibility that you may require it someday for a scratchbuilding or kit-bashing project.

Other than the X58 cushioned underframe (which technically is a product and not a part since it consists of seven painted and assembled components), I can count on two hands (barely) the number of parts requests that ESM has received since we started offering RTR product five years ago.  We also don't sell many of the add-on items we've created, such as the Creco double doors and the heavyweight ice bunkers.  So it would be foolish to have money tied up in inventory that doesn't move when it could be put to better use in bringing RTR product out.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 10:01:23 AM by bbussey »
Bryan Busséy
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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2014, 10:42:14 AM »
<moderator_mode>  In fairness, Mike, you did solicit honest feedback from this particular group.  It's not a stretch to assume a priori that some will present opinions counter to your company's current policy.  But, you did not deserve to have your company's morality brought into question.  That said, I need to address two points to the peanut gallery.

1) It's far too easy to talk out of one's rectum when one hasn't actually been in the model railroad manufacturing business.  We may not like the business model, but more often than not, it's what keeps them in business.  Unless you have access to their accounting books and market research, your opinion is just an opinion.

2) If you continue to stand by said opinion, fine.  However, this business of questioning the motivation and morality of manufacturers (simply because you disagree with their business model or product) is crap.  I will not hesitate to swing the banhammer fast and wide if it continues.  Keep your arguments based on the facts as you know them and stop with the high-and-mighty moral judgements of motivation.

It should be a distinguishing feature of the Railwire that we stick to facts and leave personal animosity and attacks out of any discussion.  We're a far cry from that at the moment.  </moderator_mode>

ONE FINAL EDIT:  There are many ways to advance or "strengthen" the hobby.  Rote bitching about absolutely everything isn't one of them.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 12:57:33 PM by Dave Vollmer »


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #32 on: August 05, 2014, 03:40:01 PM »
And I don't have as much issue with that, but that's a far cry from 'We don't do parts' which is apparently the attitude at Rapido.  The idea that parts are for someone else to deal with stinks of an arrogance that I have a hard time believing they can afford.

I guess I'm just glad they don't make anything I need. I'd rather support the companies that at least try to help the modeler, and not just skim the cream off the top.

This is unacceptable, plain and simple. Quite frankly, you are the arrogant one for attempting to translate a business policy into a moral attitude, and it stinks.


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2014, 07:09:59 PM »
I like to see repair parts available, I understand when they are not, but easily broken/lost parts are nice to be able to get. I have a small bin of caboose exhaust stacks and handrail/ladder sets. I also have spare horns and handrails for some of my diesels. I do have some locomotives that sport repair parts from other manufacturers. I truly wish I could get a dozen of the headlight pieces for the LifeLike SW switchers, as well as some of the handrails. I have one unit which has been cannabilized to repair four others over the years.

It is comforting to think that at least for a couple years after a production run that I could purchase a replacement truck, or driveshaft, or motor for a locomotive in case something disastourus does happen. I have a Kato RDC that had to have a new motor after a terrible short circuit, and I have an Atlas GP-7 that had to have a new front truck after a 1:1 5 foot drop. Things happen. If Rapido doesn't have the contractors to provide parts that is OK. If Rapido can stock some parts that is OK too.


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #34 on: August 06, 2014, 08:44:22 AM »
may choose not to provide parts. This is a business decision and I respect that decision.

If parts will not be available it becomes my decision to buy or pass. Part availability information is not always an essential factor in a buying decision. While nobody can predict the future of any business with uncanny accuracy an indication of intent helps. Going out of business or having a run on specific parts, like what happens to Kato now and then just means customers will flock to quality parts.

The cost of providing parts may be tempered by the goodwill gained, not just the profit realized.

I'm a big boy, give me facts and let me decide...
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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2014, 09:19:56 AM »
I feel; after all that has been said and "assumed" I should clarify our parts policy:

1. We don't charge for parts to repair your product.... you break it, we'll give you the part (if we have it) or if you send it to us, we fix it. We don't charge unless it's an extraordinary event.

2. We stock limited parts because they are hard to get but we have warranty items we remove parts from. There are some parts we can't get but it's less than 10%

3. We do not consider ourselves a "modeller parts company"; we don't have a "parts catalog" al la Sunrise, Miniatures by Eric etc... That said, a modeller calls us and needs "widget #6" and we have a bunch we'll help him out. Calls from people who demand we supply complex parts as if we were a "parts company" got me thinking, thus the original question.

4. As we get more involved in N scale I wanted to get a feel for the opinion of the group here about parts as N is different than HO. I thank those who took the time to respond.

5. Rapido Trains Inc. supplies parts to our customers at their request to repair models they have purchased; normally at no cost and we will fix, at no cost almost any broken model we can. We request you ship it to us, we'll ship it back ay no cost. I hope that is clear.

I will be mindful of asking questions in the future here at Railwire.
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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2014, 12:00:04 PM »
3. We do not consider ourselves a "modeller parts company"; we don't have a "parts catalog" al la Sunrise, Miniatures by Eric etc... That said, a modeller calls us and needs "widget #6" and we have a bunch we'll help him out. Calls from people who demand we supply complex parts as if we were a "parts company" got me thinking, thus the original question.

4. As we get more involved in N scale I wanted to get a feel for the opinion of the group here about parts as N is different than HO. I thank those who took the time to respond.

The problem, to some extent, is that there are fewer manufacturers of N scale parts than HO scale parts. Therefore there is more reliance on RTR manufactures for parts for various projects.


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2014, 12:28:32 PM »

 That said, a modeller calls us and needs "widget #6" and we have a bunch we'll help him out.

Well, then that's all we can ask!...So just look at it as "in stock" or "out of stock", no biggie.....Its not like ALL Atlas parts are available, all the time....

However, look at it like this......Some people accessorize their car, some their trains......The question is, does Rapido want to be a part of it?... Perhaps their goal is to make products that sell faster.....

What concerns me is not the now, but the future......If I , say, drop a loco and break a truck, would you(or me) still be able to get the needed parts to fix it?....5 years down the road, ten?......


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #38 on: August 06, 2014, 01:33:39 PM »

I will be mindful of asking questions in the future here at Railwire.

Please don't let a few indignant posters discourage you from communicating with the rest of us in the future.

Hmm... I could send
you some termites if
that would help...

Two scientists create a teleportation ray, and they try it out on a cricket. They put the cricket on one of the two teleportation pads in the room, and they turn the ray on.
The cricket jumps across the room onto the other pad.
"It works! It works!"


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2014, 01:40:15 PM »
Well, then that's all we can ask!...So just look at it as "in stock" or "out of stock", no biggie.....Its not like ALL Atlas parts are available, all the time....

However, look at it like this......Some people accessorize their car, some their trains......The question is, does Rapido want to be a part of it?... Perhaps their goal is to make products that sell faster.....

What concerns me is not the now, but the future......If I , say, drop a loco and break a truck, would you(or me) still be able to get the needed parts to fix it?....5 years down the road, ten?......

If you break a truck... hmmm.... Valid question. I know that we have parts for everything we've made (well; the major stuff, bet I can't find an HO scale toilet outlet from a 2008 first generation coach....) I would like to say "yes".... ten years..... I "guess" that we'd be able to find one but that's a challenge.... how many to have in stock is the question (and how to get the factory to make and deliver them is another but that's our problem) I guess the answer is "in HO so far, so good...) N scale; - that's what I'm trying to get a handle on and set standards for.
I will note; N scale breaks from falls much less than HO.... :lol:
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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #40 on: August 06, 2014, 01:44:51 PM »
Pudd, now that you're a manufacturer (of passenger cars no less), you might want to consider changing your signature line.  ;)

victor miranda

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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #41 on: August 06, 2014, 01:48:55 PM »
I feel; after all that has been said and "assumed" I should clarify our parts policy:

1. We don't charge for parts to repair your product.... you break it, we'll give you the part (if we have it) or if you send it to us, we fix it. We don't charge unless it's an extraordinary event.

2. We stock limited parts because they are hard to get but we have warranty items we remove parts from. There are some parts we can't get but it's less than 10%

3. We do not consider ourselves a "modeller parts company"; we don't have a "parts catalog" al la Sunrise, Miniatures by Eric etc... That said, a modeller calls us and needs "widget #6" and we have a bunch we'll help him out. Calls from people who demand we supply complex parts as if we were a "parts company" got me thinking, thus the original question.

4. As we get more involved in N scale I wanted to get a feel for the opinion of the group here about parts as N is different than HO. I thank those who took the time to respond.

5. Rapido Trains Inc. supplies parts to our customers at their request to repair models they have purchased; normally at no cost and we will fix, at no cost almost any broken model we can. We request you ship it to us, we'll ship it back ay no cost. I hope that is clear.

I will be mindful of asking questions in the future here at Railwire.

wow.  that is a very good policy for the people who buy your items.

Any one who wants a parts stock menu to order a la cart
does not know how much it costs to keep that catalog going.

I have found keeping track of the parts I own close to impossible.
I am starting to think of my collection as the lost and found.

keep the policy.  if you get a lot bigger, you may want to start a bits'n'pieces catalog.
.... a lot bigger.




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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #42 on: August 06, 2014, 08:09:05 PM »
Pudd, now that you're a manufacturer (of passenger cars no less), you might want to consider changing your signature line.  ;)

My buddy Joe's goin get that one did done.....I got's other "fish to fry"....... (start the running commentary NOW!) LOL
Model railroading isn't saving my life, but it's providing me moments of joy not normally associated with my current situation..... Train are good!


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #43 on: August 06, 2014, 11:02:34 PM »
Pudd, now that you're a manufacturer (of passenger cars no less), you might want to consider changing your signature line.  ;)

Lol, even I never went as far as bashing MTL in my signature!


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Re: Product vs. Parts
« Reply #44 on: August 06, 2014, 11:07:46 PM »
You still have the best signature on the board Skibbe.