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I do have a question though about the B&M GP7's coming out. All three numbers you list had the train lighting box on the front of the long hood. Is there going to be a detail part added to these? They only had three GP7's without this 1557, 1559 and 1560. Unfortunately you have already released these earlier.http://www.rr-fallenflags.org/bm/bm1561.jpgJon
(On a side note, I really hope they offer the GP-9 with a winterization hatch. They usually forget these things...)Javier
It looks like the Santa Fe version has a winterization hatch.
1555, 1556, and 1558 were delivered without train lighting but were fitted with it from 1955. JnJ trains made an etched part to model the train lighting boxes, there are probably some still around somewhere but I doubt Atlas will model it.
I'm excited about those CR 60'ers. I know atlas has been looking for pics of those cars for a long time.If you google the car numbers, you'll find them on a site very near and dear to my heart.http://thecrhs.org/Images/CR-278559-Class-BE60Chttp://thecrhs.org/Images/CR-278443-Class-BE60CI'd live to know more about the Evans gons though. CrQ is too late for me, but I'll be holding out hope for future non q releases if they existed.
Well, the SD50 in NW was bound to happen