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FVM Spartan Cab GP60's are now official. Probably not real surprising but nice that they are on the drawing board.Not sure if the image links work as true links to FB photos or if you have to belong to FB, but here is the overview pic:https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10552392_10152608437244797_5696448903646533056_n.jpgLove that they have ditchlights on appropriate models. This is definitely a puchase for me...at least two--Cotton Belt and UP--may get an SP, too.
Hope they follow these up with GP50s.
Yes, something we are really missing in the "modern" 4 axle EMD power.Also, anyone ever deal with getting shells from FVM? I could use a GP60 shell to kitbash a BL20-2.
Phase I GP60's....cool!
Had a chuckle at this one....