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Hi Rich:Yep that's true different lingo but the same meaning. I teach the rules in one of the regions for a large short line group and I try to tell the new guys to give car lengths like:"Start em back, good for 25, riding the point conductor's side, shoving track 25 (or whatever track), then 15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1,half, 10' that'll do. Streach em ahead, that'll do. Red Zone."Now that kind of communication/car signs is probably pretty familiar to you and it has certainly been to me for several yearsbut at one of our heavy switching yards the boys substituted "half, 10' that'll do" for "half, stop". The first time I heard this Ithought they were on the ground. However, our rules state that as long as all crew members agree, they can use any car signsthey wish as long as everyone agrees to it and complies with them.BTW, or company is in the process of again allowing crews to get on and off moving equipment at 4 MPH or less which will providemuch smoother and effecient operations rather than abrupt, jerky stopping motion before getting on or off. Stay safe and thanks for the info..Barry