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I don't think a D51 would make it. And I guess I can spoil what was supposed to be a surprise, that I have been working on scratching together a wooden tram body and sideplates to fit on my 0-6-0 now that I've removed the buffers from the chassis. It's certainly more English than Irish, but it's better than watching a German engine rolling through the Irish countryside. So I doubt Cole would want me to cut the buffers off his 0-6-0.
You can also drybrush the dirt to get it lightened back up to what color is was before getting wet.
Ooh, that's a good point. I forgot to mention, that you can also just dust on a small bit of the dirt, once it's all glued down. It'll still be loose, but it'll probably stick. At least, that's been my experience with unsanded grout.
No photos of this yet because I'd rather wait till it's finished.The first rendition of my wooden tram-engine body for the Märklin 0-6-0 is now in the trash can. I was too dissatisfied with my scribing and the thickness of the wood I had used. So I emptied my change bowl and bought some 1/32nd basswood to try scribing it with a fine dental "explorer" and see how that goes. I also picked up an 89¢ strip of .016" brass for the sideplates.A gent over on nscale.net mailed an 0-6-0 off to me yesterday, so it should be here tomorrow afternoon. He and I worked out a deal, so the upside is that I can have the layout running at the show this weekend.And, hopefully I can make a proper video of the layout in operation. Of course, that also means getting my two wagons converted to three-link couplings.
Still bring the dead 0-6-0 for me to look at. If all works out, you could have two engines running.