That's really a fantastic looking locomotive ! But I just gotta ask, would you consider building another one to sell ???? 
You are not the first one to ask me that question (well, you are the first to ask on THIS engine, but
not in general).
The simple answer is "no", but it's not because I'm a hateful selfish ogre who wants to keep them all
to myself.
It's because of the huge number of hours and the associate cost that would mean for a customer.
As you can see, I am very VERY slow at building these things.
Looking back over this thread, it took me some 6 months
to finish this engine. And I spent time on it practically every single day. It easily averages
2 hours/day, every day, especially when I consider that I have a lot of late-night and weekend marathons where I really put
in serious hours.
6 mos = about 180 days x 2 hrs = 360 hours.
Even if I charged only $10/hour, that's $3600. Yikes. I can't imagine anybody wanting
to spend money like that on an engine.
In short, the sheer number of hours it takes me to build these things would make it so outrageously expensive
for anyone to pay for the work that I long ago gave up the idea of making them for hire.