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Sorry to deflate your little balloon, Peteski, but Ian's been using that phrase since before you were a member.
What it does mean is that no other manufacturer will touch it for awhile now that this one is on the market soaking up market share.
You know, this photo of the mechanism shows something so obvious, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned. The motor itself is thin enough for a scale-width hood. But it sits in a plastic cradle which probably adds about 0.060" to the overall width of the frame. Lose that cradle and the loco can have scale-width hood! There are plenty of locos out there which utilize this type of a design. And many more....
To the comment about the decoder...Digitrax is making one...the reason no one made it for the Life Like Chassis in the past is that there was no way to isloate the motor from the chassis without some trick hand work. Given the drive for everything to be RTR and Drop in, the cost to do it was probably prohibitive. Now that we have made the components to make the change, if we offer those seperate, the conversion becomes a bit easier.Joe
If MTL wanted to, they could have made this scale width USING the SW1200 drive train components. They would need new frames and a motor cradle, but it would have been possible. Now, could it be profitable... well that is the question. From my understanding of the order, MTL would need to order the SW1200 mechanisms in bulk, take them apart at their factory and rebuild them with new frames and motor cradles. I can totally see how this project now becomes a huge mess as you are basically producing the same thing on two continents save for a few parts.Hood width matter quite a bit to me as I often look at my models from the top. Even the Kato wide bodies annoy me. Would I pay an extra $20 for the correct width? Absolutely! Would anyone else? I'm not so sure.The difference is that MTL knows their market much better than I do. If they can't make it work, then there is a reason.
Damn, you're right again! The ballon is tiny (picture a stent), and I'll now go hide in the basement for a bit.
..... because we all know that they were lining up at the door to release a uber proto model of the SW 1500....I always bristle when I hear people say "now no one will make a uber proto model of xxx because yyy is offering their version." This isn't necessarily true, there are several duplucation examples in recent years but more importantly; any mfg has the right to mske any model any time they like. if someone out there us planning a uber proto SW 1500 I'm not sure that they will be disuaded by the MTL version; they are targetting the $200.00 plus DC $275.00 DCC/sound version market, not, as Joe said, train set worthy locomotives. (albeit, what looks like a quality "train set" locomotive.
Yes, that can happen with the SW1500 like you say, but I also think it will be some years down the road like I'm saying... and only after MTL lets the model disappear like the FT's or doesn't hit enough paint schemes in a timely matter like Kato and their SD40-2.
If someone would request a MTL factory printed "custom" number or numbers could it be done for say $5 or a little more per locomotive?