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Max,As was stated, all colors appear to be tied in at the same spots on the board.Lou,My local welding supply company (where I buy my bottled N2 for airbrushing) are very helpful.When I was in a week or two ago, I told them what I was doing. The guy couldn't help much... but he tried. For free, he gave me one welding rod. It is solid carbon with what looks like a copper coating. If I remember, he called it a gouging rod. It is really big for the delicate work I want to do... but it seems like it would work.Alhoop, Thanks. I might be able to look that up.
Hi.I decided to move the discussion from the New EP-2 thread https://www.therailwire.net/forum/index.php?topic=31042.0Since this is really a new topic (worthy of searching and archiving in the future).Eventually, the mods will want to move this, but maybe it can stay for a little.I trust their good judgement.I started by.....----------------------------------------------------------I finished building a Resistance Soldering Station.It was much more involved a project than I thought. Not the device, but all the photography, and thinking, and writing. It is 31 pages- which sounds like a lot, but my hope is that it is VERY clear. Magazines just can't do something like this.So download away. And enjoy. I'd love to know if you build one and it works. I can already see that this will be a very valuable tool in the future. I've already used it to repair one of my damaged brass locomotives.http://u18b.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ResisSolder1403.pdfI tried VERY hard to keep the size under 1 meg so as to reduce my bandwidth hit from my website.
LOU: in order to be able to successfully control the amount of current passing through the items being soldered you need to control the output voltage.
in my home made version i used to control the amperage for different jobs .. i found the voltage needed to be fairly consistent, around six volts or so ..
Wow Ron, looking at the link you posted, those are some interesting search criteria you used to find that unit. I guess with a name like "American Beauty", you have to get really creative to eliminate all the "chaff" eBay dishes out.