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On mine, the chalk weathering toned them down nicely.
That's the mini layout!? Holy cow does that scene look AWESOME!! WOW!!
I didn't put a lot of powders on them, guess I can try more. Also working on a brick lot in front of the freight house.I was thinking this for street markings:The front track will have lever operated gates and the back tracks will just have crossbucks.
Have you not been following this thread? The layout is almost done.
Was going to order $30 worth of old brick from Monster Laser, then I just grabbed a $1 piece of styrene brick.
Who manufactures/sells that $1 piece of styrene brick?Hmm... my factory madeout of cobblestone sheetdoesn't look right...
OK you got me, it was $4 http://www.ebay.com/itm/221100655826?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_2612wt_1124
Arrrrgh! It's from China!