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I think the "proportions" argument is entirely separate from the "artistic" elements of rendering small details. I expect proper proportions and major dimensions. I also expect my brick walls to have tooled mortar lines and my walkways to have tread plate detail.
I guess we manufacturers are supposed to guess when it's ok to violate some modellers demand for prototypical fidelity for the sake of artistic appearance and when it's time to stick to the facts...? Do you know why company's don't openly ask for modeller input..... Because ask three modellers for an opinion and you get seven "absolute facts", nine "must haves" twenty two "won't buy it withouts" all if which conflict with one another...
I don't understand the frustration with what in essence are "entry level" products. We all know this prior to products being released. If it's Bachmann and not the Spectrum product line, consider it entry level. If it's Atlas and it's the Trainman line, consider it entry level. [snip] I fail to see the point of ripping the Bachmann NW2. It's good for the purpose it serves, which is to get more people into the hobby at the higher level of operations technology at less cost. Why is that a bad thing?
I don't understand the frustration with what in essence are "entry level" products.
My frustration is being labeled some sort of elitist just because I don't think any of the Bachmann models are very good.
Here are two very valid observations that I hope sink in (but I'm not holding my breath).Critical assessment of models is never a bad thing... except when it's phrased in the style of the original post, which is laden with sarcasm toward the manufacturer,
and at the same time manages to make anyone who dares to purchase it feel inferior or guilty.
Not towards the manufacturer...
It wouldn't take any more effort to get it right would it? Would it? Bachmann's using computers right?
You've assumed that more than once from my posts and have always been wrong. I have NEVER suggested or implied that anyone is inferior in any way because they don't agree with me or do things 'my way'.
How many small errors, omissions and compromises does it take to finally get people's attention? What if it had no doors? Would that do it?
I apologize for making assumptions, but I must note that your tone is really the culprit here, regardless of whether or not it's intentional, and I am not alone in this position. No one has formed any opinions of your attitude in a vacuum.
I don't have any frustration with the products. We need entry lever stuff and Bachmann is certainly the one to do them. My frustration is being labeled some sort of elitist just because I don't think any of the Bachmann models are very good. They aren't very good. I can go one by one and show that none of them compare very well to the prototype or other like models.There's nothing wrong with this. And Bachmann has really improved the running characteristics which will ultimately help the hobby with people starting out.But the detailing on Bachmann diesels has always been sub-par. Nothing has changed. Why all of a sudden is it a major affront to point this out.The answer is money right? When Bachmann engines were $40 it was easy to point fingers and scoff. Now were at $140 retail, it's not so funny anymore.
... I am actually concerned that after so many years of moving forward we are starting to go back, and if no one says something we will get to a point where a lot more people are unhappy. But by then it will be too late and we're going to have a period here of really mediocre models while the general population catches up to what happened and takes notice.I know no one has appointed me prototype police and it's pretty presumptuous for me to try and assume the role (if that's what I'm doing), but no one else seems to care so sometimes I feel like I have to says something if just to wake one person up.
You can delete this whole thread if you wantJason