Author Topic: The Bachmann NW-2  (Read 9050 times)

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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2014, 11:07:35 AM »
This list is great for voicing our disappointments in model releases. I highly suggest though that you also send your disappointment letters to the manufacturers and let them know they are loosing customers.

N-Scale isn't even in the ballpark when it comes to getting the attention to correct bad manufacturers oversight like HO does. I think most likely because most N-Scalers are complacent to be happy to get something instead of taking th etime to send their complaints to the manufacturer.

Although I doubt it is even worth it to send any complaint to Bachmann. I do think though that most other manufacturers would listen if enough modelers would stand up and say "Hey, this is unacceptable". N-scale is not taken seriously by the manufacturers. My proof is all the foobies that still crop up and the incorrect numbering series on freight cars and locomotives are still in the dark ages (not all, but most).

When you go to train shows and the manufacturers are there. Stop going up to them and complimenting them on everything they do. Yes, let them know when they do something good, but if you have a beef with something that is incorrect, point it out and give them proof of your arguement.

I for one will NOT buy any Bachmann diesel locomotive. Pure hideous junk to the eyes. They do not care enough to take the time to get it right. My $$$$ go elsewhere. Same goes for Atlas Trainman. Can't stand it. Why dumb down a product.


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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2014, 11:26:11 AM »
This has moved from critical assessment of a specific model in detail (which is fair), to dissing manufacturers wholesale.  Bachmann (and certainly Atlas) are not worthy of this in my view.


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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2014, 11:46:34 AM »
I do think though that most other manufacturers would listen if enough modelers would stand up and say "Hey, this is unacceptable".

If I was a manufacturer, I'd pay attention. And I'd wonder why I'm risking capital to develop products that elicit such bellyaching. Especially when I could probably get a greater return on money spent on HO product development.

I'm not picking on you in particular, Brian. You've made clear what you think of Bachmann, anyway. Personally, I'm more interested in how a loco moves than how it looks. But if you have a problem with a manufacturer, the best thing to do is vote with your wallet.

Threads like this make my a$$ tired. I guess I'll vote with my eyes.


Ed Kapuscinski

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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2014, 11:48:43 AM »
Voting with one's wallet doesn't always work then.

If there's a lack of sales, is it caused by "N scalers don't buy enough" or "N scalers don't buy inaccurate models"?


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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2014, 11:58:35 AM »
I am sure that manufacturers deal with probabilities, and either ignore or discount the extremes in the distribution of reactions to their products.  Some people will not be happy with a product for different reasons:  detailing, mechanism, DCC, paint scheme, numbers, etc..  As long as those concerns are the tails of the distribution, the majority will buy the product with varying degrees of nose-holding or joy.  Similarly, if you get a small number of people too happy about a product, that could be a sign that you have made it too specific to a market segment and that is a similar business risk.  Aiming for the middle while making improvements with each generation of tooling seems like a balanced strategy.

I do agree with Jim, these threads do become tiresome, in part because they generate needless conflict amongst posters.  There sure seems to be less modelling at TRW than there was a few years ago.

Scott Lupia

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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2014, 12:08:57 PM »
I do agree with Jim, these threads do become tiresome, in part because they generate needless conflict amongst posters.  There sure seems to be less modelling at TRW than there was a few years ago.

I thought this was the complaint forum and modeling was shown off elsewhere!  It is sort of amusing when you look at the amount of effort put into complaining about models. My day doesn't have enough hours to justify making diagrams, charts and graphs describing models faults. I spend all day just trying to figure out how to get decal film to disappear!  :facepalm:

Just trying to keep the hobby fun and enjoyable. As long as there models to modify and evergreen styrene, I will survive. Oh yeah, ESM Pennsy X58's too!

Scott lupia
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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2014, 12:29:13 PM »
I for one will NOT buy any Bachmann diesel locomotive. Pure hideous junk to the eyes.

Then my eyes must be broken. I just received my new S4 yesterday and it looks fantastic to me.


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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2014, 12:30:55 PM »
I thought this was the complaint forum ...

Which is why I requested putting the Kato version under the same microscope, hopefully with equal fervor. Comparative analysis would be helpful for modeling purposes - determining which version is the better starting point for your prototype. Without it, it's just more bashing. :|

Anyway, this sort of over-the-top critique is nothing new here. Five or six years ago I said I liked a particular (then-recent) model because the maker did a good job with prototype-specific features capturing the aesthetic, and I was summarily castigated in a two-page diatribe delineating every nit, and shame on me for appreciating such an outrageous piece of trash. So trust me, the bashing on TRW has been worse, and borderline personal.

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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2014, 12:40:21 PM »
+ 1 - tread plate is so grossly out of scale.  Yet it's absence is seen as an omission ?

Will the Rapido N scale GMD-1 locomotive have tread plate? 


Dave V

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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2014, 12:44:12 PM »
This nicely illustrated the problem with sweeping generalizations.

I agree that the Bachmann NW2 looks pretty crude by modern standards (and the prototype), at least according the photos I've seen.  A similar analysis was done here for the RS3.  Just looking around the Interwebs it's clear Kato's NW2 is much closer to prototype.  It might be illustrative to do a similar analysis for the Kato NW2, but I can tell you right now which one I'd buy.

OTOH, Bachmann's recent steam releases in N scale have looked amazing...tenders not withstanding.  I think if they weren't tied to using Soviet-era decoders with vacuum tubes, the tenders for small steamers (4-6-0, 2-6-0) would look better.

Bachmann's freight cars are another conundrum...  I have one of their recent steam-era tank cars, and it's beautiful.  Metal low-pro wheels, good detail, nice weight, tracks perfectly.  And then we see their PS1 boxcar.  Not only is the body not right, the proto schemes look freelanced.  Bachmann's inconsistency is somewhat maddening, but it's also why I can't imagine writing it off completely.

Bachmann is what it is.  For some things (new N scale steam) it's essentially the only game in town, and it does it well enough.  For others, you can do better.  To make a statement such as "I will never buy <fill in the blank>" strikes me as myopic, but hey, it's your money and not mine.

I also didn't understand the dig at Atlas Trainman.  If nothing else, they need to release another Trainman loco...  The GP15-1 was a great loco whose external detail was at least as good as the Master line and ran just as well. The same goes for the Trainman C&O caboose.  Perfect little car.  If you're upset with Atlas releasing new paint schemes on old tooling under the Trainman banner, I guess I can understand.  However, with only a little work, a cheap-o Trainman car can get a new roofwalk and new stirrups and roll next to your ESM rolling stock as well.

I can't excuse whatever's leading Bachmann to cut corners in accuracy in some of their models.  However, the fact that we have two DCC-ready/equipped NW2s in N scale means things aren't as bad as they may seem!  I do get a sense that Bachmann really could care less what we like or don't like.  For whatever reason they're still committed to N scale regardless of our complaints.  I'm not suggesting we buy Bachmann out of pure gratitude for the attention, either.  Someone's buying their stuff, though...!


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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2014, 12:49:55 PM »
Without being an expert the first thing that sticks out to me about this model isn't even on your list. Those big a$$ gaps around the hood doors.  I could live with all of the mistakes for around $30 bucks, but when they charge that much I expect a real model when I open the box.

The doors are on my list, but I didn't add them here because at some level they are actually more prototypical than the standard raised panel type doors everyone else does (even if they look worse).  Doors should be flush with a small gap around them, the problem being you can't really tool a small enough gap to not effect the looks of the doors, and even if you could it would get just get filled with paint anyway.



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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2014, 12:55:00 PM »
Will the Rapido N scale GMD-1 locomotive have tread plate? 


No; it will not have tread plate. If that means some people will bash it and not purchase it because we purposely omitted it then we are fine with that.
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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2014, 01:27:28 PM »
No; it will not have tread plate. If that means some people will bash it and not purchase it because we purposely omitted it then we are fine with that.

No that's cool, just really not the answer I was expecting.

Can't wait to see how many 'modelers' add that.   8)

« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 01:32:40 PM by wcfn100 »


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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2014, 01:51:12 PM »
On the subject of Bachmann steam; Are we more willing to give that a pass then we are on diesels? If there were a model of a specific locomotive that fudged the details and then had foobie paint jobs we would probalby buy it anyway. The 2-8-0, 2-6-0 and 4-6-0 all come to mind. The EM-1 is great and well done, but I can't help but feel that it is the exception rather than the rule. Case in point, the 2-8-0. They did a number of different paint schemes over a couple of runs. I have the Boston & Maine one, it runs very nicely. However, when compared to prototype pictures the number could have been chosen better. It is 2360 which is a class K7. It looks an awful lot like a K8, so it should be 2660 or something like that. Some of the details are wrong and I can understand why and can change them.

If the NW2 had been sold as a "small B-B switcher" we wouldn't have as much to complain about. Since it's specifically a NW2, we can check the details and see the errors.


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Re: The Bachmann NW-2
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2014, 02:07:41 PM »
No; it will not have tread plate. If that means some people will bash it and not purchase it because we purposely omitted it then we are fine with that.

I think the "proportions" argument is entirely separate from the "artistic" elements of rendering small details.  I expect proper proportions and major dimensions.  I also expect my brick walls to have tooled mortar lines and my walkways to have tread plate detail.