Thanks Spookshow. I figured as much. Darn it.
Doug. The reason is because the motor mount is lower, correct? The idea I was toying with was to take an early Kato SD40-2 and modify the chassis to turn the motor 90 deg. Taking advantage of the width in the shell, my thought is that this would give me the space needed in the top for the depressed center, and also underneath so I can do a a proper arangment of equipment underneath. The Shapeways model, as you know, comes with pieces that go in place to cover the fuel tank area that's not there on the prototype. My hope was to build the bottom with a lot more air in it like on the prototype. As I said in the OP, this will likely result in one or two sacrificed frames.
I have a few early Kato SD40-2 models which I plan to measure to be sure it will actually work, but beyond that, I need to come up with some parts.