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Won a Pettibone-Milliken switchstand on eBay:Two purposes - first is as a mailbox post for the layout building, second is having a reference prototype for the P-M switchstands the UP commonly used that I can hopefully model. (However, not with that ugly plastic flag/reflector!) I already have a set of red/green Scotchlited metal flags in a more "traditional" configuration that will go on the post instead. I don't dare put a lantern on it - you just know it would vanish.
I saw that up there and was trying to verify it's CGW roots. Are there any markings on that interesting reflector that is on it?
OK, I guess I am the first to progress modeling work for the week. Have a great weekend and a happy Thanksgiving to all TRW members in the States.md
Started weathering NS 5273:
I don't think there's any way those reflectors we're CGW. But could easily be CNW.
Mark,If you plan on running a passenger train over that bridge, I don't think the paying customers willl be too comfortable with the closeness to the edge on that bridge section.It does look great however ... Happy Holidays eja