Author Topic: FVM Hiawatha Atlantics and single passenger cars now hitting the shelves....  (Read 3209 times)

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Noticed these are now hitting the shelves for interested parties....

Again no affiliation/agenda with the vendor just bringing the news to you :ashat:'s so you can look to your favorite vendor or LHS.

The S.

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I have a 4-4-2 on the way from BLW - ordered long ago when I had some crazy idea about using the mech for a C&NW Atlantic. No idea what I might have been thinking/smoking  :facepalm:



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Speaking of smoking something, could this mechanism be stretched, if one could get a spare driver, to form a basis for a true 84" drivered big Hudson (Milwaukee, C&NW, Santa Fe 3460 class)? Now that the Atlantic is available separately and very reasonably priced?
Otto K.


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Mine should arrive tomorrow!  Looking forward to its arrival.

Way of the Zephyr


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I've always liked the Hiawatha Atlantic locomotive since the 50th Anniversary (January 1984) issue of Model Railroader where they pretended to find a long-lost 4-4-2, rebuild it, and send it on a nationwide tour of model layouts.

So, it was really tough to fight the urge to make a purchase when the first batch was offered a few years ago.  Now that I see that cool No. 3 with the large "Hiawatha" emblem on the tender, I'm really having trouble protecting Mr. Wallet.  I mean, come on, I just bought a really cool ATSF GP60M a few weeks ago that doesn't fit my area or era either.  What is wrong with me?!  Help!!!  :scared:


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Now that I see that cool No. 3 with the large "Hiawatha" emblem on the tender, I'm really having trouble protecting Mr. Wallet.  I

Same here!  After molesting (and documenting the process) the first release, I want to get my hands on #3. Besides wanting the cool emblem version, I want to see if there were any changes made to model in the 2nd run.
. . . 42 . . .


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I've always liked the Hiawatha Atlantic locomotive since the 50th Anniversary (January 1984) issue of Model Railroader where they pretended to find a long-lost 4-4-2, rebuild it, and send it on a nationwide tour of model layouts.

So, it was really tough to fight the urge to make a purchase when the first batch was offered a few years ago.  Now that I see that cool No. 3 with the large "Hiawatha" emblem on the tender, I'm really having trouble protecting Mr. Wallet.  I mean, come on, I just bought a really cool ATSF GP60M a few weeks ago that doesn't fit my area or era either.  What is wrong with me?!  Help!!!  :scared:


I ordered the Hiawatha loco and cars a while ago but just ordered the Geeps and got them last week.  I hear ya!

Way of the Zephyr

Dave Schneider

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It must have been fun to show up to work in the early 1930s and get to run that thing down the line. I realize that at that time people were a bit more humble than today, but I'll bet a couple of engineers thought that they had a pretty cool gig.

Best wishes, Dave
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Same here!  After molesting (and documenting the process) the first release, I want to get my hands on #3. Besides wanting the cool emblem version, I want to see if there were any changes made to model in the 2nd run.

And I want to see you document that Peteski! :trollface:


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I reserved all the cars and both locomotives some time back. Evidently they all arrived at the same time. My wallet took a major hit. I do wonder why he didn't do the 4 spot at this time? I do not know if Matt has plans to do the 4 spot along with some of the 1936 cars?



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Ok, got my loco today.  Put it on the track (DC) and turn up the throttle.  Headlight comes on but nothing.  Won't move, won't budge.  Any suggestions or ideas??

Way of the Zephyr


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Ok, got my loco today.  Put it on the track (DC) and turn up the throttle.  Headlight comes on but nothing.  Won't move, won't budge.  Any suggestions or ideas??

Return it for exchange to the place you've bought it.  Unless you enjoy repairing brand new models on which cost you over $100 dollars!  :trollface:

Many things can be causing the problem. For starters, check if the connector for the wires under the tender is fully seated (or re-seat it).  Also, the Nov-Dec 2012 issue of N-Scale Magazine has a lengthy article about the construction of that model - including detailed disassembly instructions.

If you have the tender connector unplugged, see if you can apply 12V to the pins which lead to the motor. Those are the second pin from each end.  If you counted pins, those would be pins 2 and 5.  If the motor doesn't run when you applied voltage to pin 2 and 5 then the problem is in the locomotive. If the motor works, then the problem is in the tender (circuit board, DC 8-pin jumper, or the wiring).
. . . 42 . . .


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Not a great start for me and FVM engines.  GP-60's came missing parts and now a DOA loco.  I am not a big fan of tearing apart brand new locos just to try and get them to run!

Way of the Zephyr


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Not a great start for me and FVM engines.  GP-60's came missing parts and now a DOA loco.  I am not a big fan of tearing apart brand new locos just to try and get them to run!

Like I said: return it for exchange.
. . . 42 . . .


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It sure looks like that will be the course of action Monday.  If my missing parts don't arrive from FVM in Monday's mail I am going to pack up and ship out the GP60's, 4-4-2, and associated cars and get a refund.

Thanks for the PM Peteski!

Way of the Zephyr