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1. I really like this idea because it is so PRR. Any modeler looking at the layout will instantly know it is PRR without even seeing motive power. This adds tons of atmosphere.
2. I am assuming you want the traditional look of the cab signal box, correct? I see what Pete was saying about using just two small signal heads with mini LEDs. You would be able to shrink the signal size by 3/5ths, but it would look more like conventional PRR signals rather than a cab signal.
3. Is there any reason why you need to space the tracks so close together on the control panel? Why not go nuts and make the whole front façade a near full size control panel? That would take care of any space issues.
4. Slightly off topic... anyone have any interior photos of Conrail cab signals?
Cons:-Cost. With the cab signal version, I can probably do the whole layout for under $100. The PL version will cost several hundred dollars.
Is the cost in the electronics or the PL holder for the LEDs? Were you considering using RP for all the PL LED holders? If so, couldn't you make a few as masters and then make RTV molds and cast them from black urethane?
That's pretty much where I am: 5mm cab signals or PL's. I'm torn. The full PLs are more legible, but I wonder if clusters of them are going to be too distracting. I think I'm going to have to do some more complete mockups and some user testing.I'm actually surprised that I proved one of my initial assumptions wrong. Namely that I can, in fact, make PLs that are more compact than the cab signals.