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I disagree with Lee. Putty is the way, styrene looks entirely too uniform for a gritty area. You could not model my local industrial areas in styrene effectively, talking 1’ + deep potholes (craters really) keep pushing on Ed I think what you have looks great and as far as removing that bit of sidewalk for clearance I can find all sorts of similar quirks in old eastern cities like Lawrence and Holyoke, good tight confines eastern industrial railroading! No offense to Lee but styrene is only good for a fairly well maintained road. None of which is prototypical in industrial areas that I have seen. In comparison Lee must have an extremely highly funded DOT; not a single pothole anywhere, for someone who pushes the Bible of contours and slope, your roads are far too ‘perfect’ for my taste and could use the blemishes present for added realism.
I would take advantage of the nice clay base you have made and topcoat it with lightweight spackle to make it a little more level.After application of the spackle and once dry, take a damp sponge and smooth it over so it's good and flat without the undulations that are present adjacent to your sidewalks.Additionally, not being familiar with the locale you're modeling, the sidewalks look a little yellow to me where I would think they should be closer to the color of your road surface.
You need some drainage grates, Ed. Great Lakes Models makes some etchings.
Tear it all out and start over.Lee
Can't wait to see it in person, maybe have some steam tourist power slip through.