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Links to the Atlas cars:PS3 2960 Cu. Ft.https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1009612_10152311596770110_357922908_o.jpgPS3 2750 Cu. Ft.https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/1009169_10152311595030110_492186330_o.jpgBest wishes, Dave
Just saw the pictures on FB. Look nice. Southern had at least a few hundred of the 2750's, not sure about the smaller one. Those 2 roads will do pretty well down here in Georgia.
The show isn't over yet...that's all I can say. And I hope no one says they can't understand why you are excited about some release in the future...Not every one is as dialed into the (bushism) Internets as we are, so this is new and exciting for them Joe
Isn't the 2750 the smaller one
Don't know if Southern had the bigger ones.
So the big one is 100 ton from 1964 - are they good for SOU/NS?
Those might be backwards. Edit: Or I could be putting to much stake in the stirrups.Isn't the 2750 the smaller one?Jason
Exactrail announced a new hopper but not at this show. Are they there and do you have an info on it?
Yup...needed to keep it under wraps...but we are doing the SW1500, looking for a first of the year release...JoeMTl
I am pretty sure I posted links correctly as labeled on the Facebook page.
Just got a look at my Southern Color Guide. The Southern's are an earlier version with 11 panels. These and Jason's have 17 panels if I counted right.