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Eat a **** , my friend.Better?LolOn the subject at hand, I have the CR one on the way. I wanted a bunch of em, including a pair of plain NS ones, but theat type of bulk purchase is solely reserved for CR SD40-2s...
I like mine better.
I'm thinking of getting two locos just because I like them:Wabash - the paint scheme looks cool.Illinois Terminal - this one is really GREEN...Thomas
I've seen the IT unit (the prototype) and the green is unbelievable. It's truly a neon green; if I look at it too long, I'll go blind . . . I don't know how they even mixed this color.John C.
Now THAT'S the Ed I am talking about!Give that man some bacon!
I think my favorite 'Ed's Law' topic is related to NTrak. One of Ed's biggest pet peeves is unrealistic NTrak modules (Godzilla, dinosaurs by the tracks, aliens, etc). I can now, however verify that the dinosaurs modules indeed conform to Eds Law. In Berwick, PA there are two fiberglass dinosaurs within 50 yards of the North Shore and 200 yards from NS's Buffalo Line. This means there IS a prototype for the dino modules. So far, we haven't been able to produce any subject where there isn't a prototype.
Try this site for tracking...https://www.heritageunits.com/Brian
The Wabash was spotted in Arizona, heading west? That's a long ways out... Nikel plate, Penn Central, and NYC in North Dakota? Some of these guys get a long ways out. Luckily if they go through my area, there's only 1 East-West track.
The Wabash was spotted in Arizona, heading west? ...