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Duly noted, and I agree for the most part. However, consider: a resin color closer to the finish color will make it much easier to finish; slight imperfections, or recesses where it's difficult to reach with paint, will look better, so you can use less paint and reduce the risk of obscuring details. The other factor here is that we determined the target customers for the circus tractors are less likely to want to paint things themselves, and for them the appearance of the tinted resin will likely be acceptable. Also note, the photographs I've posted really show them at their worst, with bright light saturating the resin to the point of looking translucent; in person, they're more convincing. Unless I'm wrong... anyone who's received their orders care to comment on this? I'm all ears!
Also note, the photographs I've posted really show them at their worst, with bright light saturating the resin to the point of looking translucent; in person, they're more convincing.
David, yes the model is wonderful, I just received my three. I'm writing to give you kudos about the packaging! Very professional and nicely done. If anybody is worried about them being shipped in an envelope- don't. You could put a stam pn it and ship it loos the model is that protected. Anyway, its great to see an excellent model in great packaging. It's always a disappointment to me when something I buy is not packaged properly. It makes me wonder if the producer even cared about the product in the forst place. Again, well done.
No wonder we dont see you anymore. You are hanging out witht N scalers.